Your business is your baby! You should never stop looking for new ways to innovate and make it better. It’s important to think about the future in order to stay relevant among your competitors and to grow personally as a small business owner.
Of course, you should think twice before investing in new technology, which could drain your business savings account and turn out to be irrelevant.
But there are a number of technology, eco-friendly, and cultural trends that you should investigate.
For example, in the technology space, consider providing your employees (or yourself!) with wearable technology that tracks heart rates and exercise. Make it a game! The idea here is that healthier lifestyles ultimately translate into healthier and more productive workforces.
Or, take the emerging cultural trend of working remotely. It’s estimated that 70% of the global labor force works remotely at least once a week. If your business doesn’t offer this option, it might be time to reconsider.
Fundera compiled 15 useful ways to innovate and prepare your business for the future. Check them out.
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