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30-Day Self-Care Challenge + Printables

The current pandemic has caused many to experience heightened stress and anxiety. Many of us are staying in our homes a lot more, worried about taking care of ourselves and our loved ones. Our friends over at Everlywell wanted to help and created this 30-day self-care challenge that encourages mental health and well-being. 

Every day you’re challenged to take care of yourself by doing something as simple as drinking eight cups of water a day to planning a fitness goal that you want to see yourself achieve. Use the free printable calendar and stickers that they created to see how far you’ve come.

You also don’t have to follow everything exactly as you see it. What works for one person may work differently for you, so feel free to change it up as you see fit. Remember, it’s all about taking care of yourself, just don’t forget to have fun doing it!

Download File for Printables (Click the link for the 30-Day Self-Care Challenge and Self-Care stickers

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