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4 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Your First Ecommerce Site


Ecommerce is one industry that has continued to grow year on year which is why it’s become an attractive avenue for existing business owners or startup companies to explore. But, despite the incredible success experienced by many, eCommerce is not a simple channel to navigate. All you need is the right product and a shoppable website, right? Wrong! 

There is so much more that goes into creating your first eCommerce site. But that’s not to say that you can’t hit the ground running as long as you consider three important aspects —

research, understanding, and awareness. Nail this and you could be the next e-commerce tycoon in years to come!

Here are four mistakes to avoid when launching your first eCommerce shop.

Overlooking the importance of a targeted SEO strategy

SEO is king when it comes to improving your rankings and driving traffic to your website. Let’s say your particular niche is sports equipment. Do you have a well-researched list of keywords that relate to your sports products and audience? Are you using a mix of short and long-tail keywords? Incorporating keywords into your page copy, product descriptions and more will contribute to better rankings so you aren’t outranked by your competitors. 

But SEO isn’t just about keywords. You need a complete ecommerce SEO strategy that will proactively increase your visibility. Link building, optimized page copy, great navigation, and more will improve your relationship with the search engine so it has a better understanding of who you are, what you’re selling, and who may be interested. That way, your shop is more likely to rank higher in relevant search queries.

Not investing in good eCommerce hosting for your site

When you first launch your eCommerce site you may be in a rush to get your site up and running which can lead to choosing the cheapest and easiest options available including web hosting. While this may seem like a quick fix, it’s not necessarily the best choice. A slow website can quickly result in abandoned baskets. Plus, as your online store continues to grow these problems will only get worse if you don’t switch to a more efficient hosting provider

It’s a good idea to go with an eCommerce hosting expert like Cloudways which offers a fast and reliable platform that will enhance your store’s growth rather than hinder it. Alternatively, SiteGround is another popular hosting choice with features such as an SSL certificate, free shopping cart installation, and more!

Failing to define and understand your target audience

A common mistake among first-time e-commerce business owners is not identifying a target audience. You don’t want to be a jack of all trades and a master of none! While Jezz Bezos may have nailed the art of creating an eCommerce platform that sells anything and everything on Amazon, for a startup eCommerce shop it’s safer and potentially more lucrative to start with a niche. 

Why not start selling products from an industry that you know well? This means you will already have insight into the lifestyle and behavior of your target audience and with continual research, you can predict purchase intent and purchase new stock accordingly. Don’t assume that your products are for everyone. Instead, narrow down your audience for an increase in traffic and sales.

Delivering poor customer service that affects sales

The performance of your site, your SEO efforts, and of course the quality of your products are all important factors when creating your first eCommerce site but so is good customer service. Many people forget about simple things such as responding to emails or answering questions about your products and concentrate on the big tasks like buying new stock (which is important too) so consumers are left disappointed.

Great customer support can also relieve any worries about buying online. Although shopping digitally isn’t a new concept, consumers may be wary of new stores and the risk of falling victim to scams — up until you gain their trust that is. By delivering top-quality customer service, consumers will develop a good relationship with your brand and feel safer when making an online purchase with you. That means loyal customers and an increase in new leads. 

When creating your first eCommerce site you’ll learn a lot along the way. Avoid these 4 common mistakes and you’ll avoid unnecessary challenges and have a great foundation for making your online store a success!

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