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4 Simple Ways To Impress Your Next Big Client


Ever wanted to impress your clients and show that you’re in-the-know? Want to let your clients see as you as a professional, despite you only having worked in the industry for a couple of weeks?


In the self-employed line of work, it’s incredibly important that you work on first impressions because without them, you’re essentially going to fail. In order to attract clients and develop a good business relationship with them, you need to make a good first impression and you need to know how to look like a professional, even if it’s just on the surface. To help you out, we’ve put together four useful tips to help you impress your next big clients.


Your Address Matters


The last thing people want to see is you using your home address as a business address. Not only does it look questionable, but it’s certainly not professional and will look plain strange on a business card. To counteract this, consider using a registered office address online as your business address. This will seem much more professional and it will give a better first impression when you hand your business card to someone. Although it’s normal for freelancers and entrepreneurs to only have digital methods of contact, having something traditional such as a phone number and an address will show that you’re willing to work with all types of clients.


Be Prepared to Learn


Learning new skills is an essential component of what it means to be self-employed or freelance. It means taking on jobs that are outside of your comfort zone even if your client knows this. It’s about tackling tasks that are outside of your expertise and calling in experts when it starts to get too complicated. If you’re not prepared to learn in your line of work, then you’re ultimately not going to impress anyone. Your growth is going to be a testament to your dedication to your client’s needs, and it will be on display for all future clients to see.


Research Everything


If you want to invest in your business then you also need to invest in your research and knowledge. A company that isn’t able to research its clients and competition ultimately fails because they’re unaware of their surroundings. Make sure you meet your client’s specifications by researching similar businesses, use cases for products, industry regulations and standards, and so on. It’s vital that you have a lot of information ready to impress your clients with, and failing to do so will make you seem incompetent and not a good fit for your client.


Take Notes on Everything


Your client is going to have a couple of really specific needs and it’s important that you meet these as best you can. It means remembering important points and showing your client that you’re actually listening to them. If a client phones you and starts to list their requirements, then asking them politely to pause while you grab a pen and paper is enough to give them confidence that you’re actually listening to what they’re saying.


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