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5 Tips For Starting Your Own Charity

Are you thinking about starting a charity? Building a charity from the ground up and seeing it go on to make a positive difference to the world is one of the most rewarding ventures you can do, especially if it is a cause that you are passionate about. It is important to note that starting a charity is not easy, though, and quite different from starting a for-profit company (although there are some similarities). Many charities run into financial trouble before they have even had a chance to make an impact, so keep reading for a few tips that should come in handy.

1. Carry Out Market Research & Write A Business Plan

One way in which starting a charity is similar to a business is that you should always conduct market research first. You do not want to start a charity if there is a similar one in the area, so you want to make sure that you are the only charity of your kind or consider getting involved if there is one already in existence. You also need to work out your target market and create a business plan that will show how you will manage and stay afloat.

2. Secure Enough Funding

There are various startup and ongoing costs that you will need to cover for your charity. Bootstrapping is an option, but many charities will want to secure some kind of funding to get set up and running. These days, crowdfunding is one of the best ways to do this as you can also raise awareness online at the same time.

3. Use A Charity Lottery To Bring In Money

In terms of ongoing funding, many charities are now using a charity lottery as an effective way to bring in a continuous stream of income and to keep your followers engaged. Setting up and running a charity lottery can be a lot of work, so many find that it is best to use charity lottery providers that can manage it for you and allow you to focus on other aspects. 

4. Create A Strong Online Presence

No matter your cause, you need to have a strong online presence so that people can find out about your charity, get in touch and donate to the cause. It is worth using an experienced web design and digital marketing agency to create a strong online presence that will ensure that your organization gets noticed. You should then be active on social media to engage with your target market and raise awareness about your cause.

5. Get Involved With The Community

Having a strong online presence is key, but you also need to make sure that you engage with the local community to raise awareness and develop a positive reputation. You can do this by attending local events, hosting your own events, getting involved with schools, approaching local businesses, and advertising in the area just as a few ideas.

Starting your own charity is exciting and a chance to make a real difference, but it does also have its challenges and these tips should help you to hit the ground running.

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