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5 Types of Flexible and Remote Positions in the Financial Industry 

It’s no secret that the financial industry is a demanding one. There are long hours and high expectations for what’s expected of employees, especially when it comes to productivity. As workplace technology advances, companies are working around their employees’ schedules. Many companies now offer flexible and remote positions to make sure their employees can still perform at peak levels without sacrificing their personal lives. Here are five examples of how this trend is playing out across the financial industry:

Loan Officer

A loan officer is a person who works in the financial industry and helps clients secure loans. They may work in-person or remotely, depending on their location and employer. The job usually involves helping clients complete paperwork for a loan application, answering questions about their finances to make sure they qualify for one and negotiating with lenders to get the best terms possible.

Because this position requires an understanding of complex financial matters, it generally takes several years of experience in another field before someone can become a loan officer. However, there are also ways to start working as one while you’re still studying or at school: many firms offer internships that allow new recruits to gain valuable skills while earning some money on top of that!

The typical starting salary for this position is around $45k per year; however, this number varies widely depending on where you live (the Northeast region usually pays more than other areas).


Accountants are a great fit for remote or flexible positions. They can work in finance, accounting, and tax. Accountants can find employment in a variety of industries including healthcare, manufacturing, and more. Accountants have many areas of specialization such as forensic accounting and property management to choose from.

Accountant jobs are available in almost every city across the United States so you should be able to find one near where you live or want to relocate if necessary!

Accountants are responsible for maintaining financial records, ensuring the accuracy of financial statements, and reporting data to management. They may also be responsible for tax preparation and compliance as well as payroll processing. 
If you are interested in going into accounting, whether as a freelancer or by opening your own business, be sure to consider finding the best payment solution for accountants so as to quickly process all of your customer invoices and ensure you always have the cash available to keep your business afloat. 


Underwriters are responsible for reviewing loan applications and determining whether the borrower will receive a loan. They ensure that the financial information in the application is accurate, complete, and verifiable; in other words, they confirm that there are no fraudulent elements in it.

Underwriters also review credit history and the ability to repay loans. They might ask questions about credit card balances or bank account balances on record at other financial institutions.

If you want to get into this field, you’ll need a degree from an accredited college or university (your program should focus on economics), as well as relevant work experience in finance or accounting fields. However, with some experience under your belt (and excellent writing skills), there’s no reason why you couldn’t become an underwriter remotely!

Investment Adviser

An investment adviser is a person who helps clients with investing and retirement planning. They can work for banks, insurance companies, and other financial institutions, or they may be self-employed. Investment advisers are licensed and regulated by the SEC, so it’s important that you do your own research about them before you hire them to help manage your money.

Investment advisers usually have a bachelor’s degree in finance or business administration, but many also hold advanced degrees like an MBA or CFA designation (Chartered Financial Analyst).

Investment advisers can help you with a wide range of financial services, including:

Tax Preparer

If you’re interested in helping people file their taxes, a career as a tax preparer might be for you. Tax preparers are trained to help people prepare and file their federal income tax returns and state income tax returns, which can include simple or complex returns. They can work as part of a team for companies including Intuit, H&R Block, and Jackson Hewitt, or on their own. Tax preparers may also specialize in preparing other types of tax documents like gift taxes, estate taxes, and corporate returns.

Tax preparation specialists usually have a degree in accounting or mathematics and will need to be licensed by the state where they practice before becoming eligible to sit for the National Association of Enrolled Agents (NAEA) exam. This exam is necessary for certification as an enrolled agent (EA). This position requires less experience than an accountant and is a good option for people looking for remote financial positions. You can look on google, LinkedIn, or other job boards for remote tax preparer jobs.

There are flexible jobs in the financial industry and they’re growing.

There are flexible jobs in the financial industry and they’re growing. You can avoid the 9-to-5 grind, juggle multiple responsibilities, and take on more meaningful work with a flexible position in the financial services industry. Companies are increasingly offering part-time positions, remote opportunities, and other ways to work on your own schedule or from home. 

Flexible and remote positions can be found in many different industries. The financial industry is no exception. Whether you work as a financial adviser, accountant, or banker, there are plenty of jobs that allow you to work from home or remotely.

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