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6 Tips For Boosting Productivity In Your Business

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In the business world, it’s often said that time is money. How you spend every hour makes a difference in revenue and success. To accomplish this goal, you can either work harder or work smarter. Here are six simple strategies for making the most of every minute you and your team spend on the job.

1. Utilize Productivity Applications

Cloud computing and artificial intelligence advancements can easily be leveraged to produce higher productivity. Many of these tools are available in the form of mobile device applications. These run the gamut from simple calendar apps to advanced project management and file-sharing software. Customer relationship management (CRM) suites can be invaluable for sales teams. Remember that all of these tools require a technological infrastructure that includes cybersecurity. Cloud-focused security systems like distributed tracing solutions and endpoint security can help keep your growing network safe.

2. Quit Multitasking

Whether you’re an owner, manager, or worker, the urge to multitask is always there. Psychological studies show that this is a uniformly poor idea. The problem lies in “switch-tasking.” When you try to do two things at once, you’re not doing two things simultaneously. You’re switching rapidly between two tasks. Doing so makes you work slower than you would if you had focused on one task at a time. Resist the urge to tackle everything at once and focus on one priority at a time.

3. Streamline Meetings

Meetings can be worthwhile, but they have to be done wisely. Disruption of workflow is a common cause of inefficiency in the workplace. Schedule meetings ahead of time to avoid interfering with a project in progress. All meetings should have a clear agenda and be limited in scope. Remember that not everyone functions well in a social situation. If possible, hold one-on-one meetings with team members and retain an open-door policy if and when conflicts arise.

4. Keep Your Team Motivated

One of the most important (and overlooked) strategies for success is keeping teams motivated. Traditional team-building exercises like games and competitions continue to be good ideas. Even so, the best motivator is a shared vision. Nobody can be expected to work their hardest for something they have no emotional stake in. Have regular conversations with employees regarding their values and goals and how well those align with the company. Ask for their input and advice. Engaged teams are productive teams.

5. Offer Remote Work Options

No two employees are alike. There is no “one size fits all” workflow strategy. For this reason, employing remote work options might be beneficial. Research backs up the value of remote work. A Chinese study reported by Stanford University revealed that remote workers were around 13% more productive than office-bound employees. The reasons for this gain were fewer sick days needed, fewer breaks taken, and a more peaceful and quiet environment. When workers can optimize their spaces and schedules to fit their own needs, it can be a recipe for efficiency.

6. Focus on Wellness

People who feel better work better. That’s not merely a sentiment; it’s science. Health screenings, fitness equipment, and even healthier break-room fare help promote workplace wellness. Managers have known for years that a healthy diet helps to reduce fatigue and boost mental energy. Good health doesn’t end with physical well-being. According to the American Psychiatric Association, unresolved depression issues reduce individual productivity by 35%. Prioritizing the mental health of your employees isn’t just an ethical imperative; it’s necessary for long-term sustainability and profitability.

Owning and managing a business comes with a lot of stress. Don’t let the concerns of generating productivity weigh you down. Keep your strategy simple, thoughtful, and focused, and you’ll get results.

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