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6 Useful Tips for Businesses to Improve Safety in the Workplace

Safety in the workplace should be a top priority for any business owner. This is especially true when it comes to industries filled with safety hazards, such as the mining and construction industry. According to the estimates provided by the International Labour Organization (ILO) as many as 340 million work-related accidents happen each year worldwide. That’s why safety in the workplace needs to be taken very seriously. Read on to find out in what ways businesses can improve safety in the workplace and encourage. their employees to follow safety protocols.

1.      Introduce the safety protocols from the beginning and keep them up-to-date

It’s highly important to introduce safety protocols to all employees from their first day of work. Apart from that, there is a high chance that these protocols will need an update once in a while. Businesses need to keep track of the efficiency of current protocols to be able to detect any weaknesses. In case something goes wrong and an accident happens, the protocols should be re-evaluated.

2.      Educate the workers on safety risks

It is not enough to put safety protocols in place and believe that the employees will stick to them. Educating workers on all the potential safety risks that can arise in the workplace is essential. By presenting all the scenarios where things could go wrong, companies raise awareness of their employees and increase the likelihood that the employees will follow all the safety guidelines. This would help them understand why safety measures are so essential. They are more likely to retain the information if you include a presentation with pictures and plenty of real-life examples. Also, if it’s possible you can create drills and/or employ simulation software. That way, the employees get to learn about safety in a more interactive way, and the chances of them remembering crucial details are extremely high.  

3.      Make safety workwear mandatory

For workers in many different industries, personal protective equipment (PPE) like hi vis workwear should be made obligatory as it can protect them against a series of safety hazards. Some of the risks across various industries include:

·         slipping and falling,

·         getting burned,

·         exposure to welding sparks,

·         exposure to different toxic chemicals.

Most safety workwear is industry-specific. In some industries, minimal protection is required, while in others workers need extreme protection. For example, there is a range of different pieces of men’s workwear. There are men’s utility shirts, among other items, which are suitable for men working in certain types of the manufacturing industry and other similar sectors. Some models can be worn in the office as well. These shirts are made of slightly thicker material than regular shirts, which means that they offer some protection, while at the same time being comfortable to wear.  

4.      Allow regular breaks

To ensure maximum productivity and safety in the workplace, companies should allow their employees to take regular breaks. That’s because fatigued, overworked employees are more susceptible to accidents. What is more, those that work in front of computers are at a higher risk of having eye problems. Surely, this doesn’t mean that they should be permitted to take long breaks and thus avoid working. These breaks can be as short as a few minutes, as they will still be effective. For workers whose job involves sitting or kneeling, active stretch breaks can be very beneficial.

5.      Encourage workers to be vocal about unsafe working conditions

As was mentioned previously, being in the loop regarding the efficacy of current safety measures is imperative. Companies ought to encourage their employees to report any weak points they spot within the safety protocols. If they find working conditions unsafe for any legitimate reason they should be vocal about it. Since, despite the encouragement, not all workers may feel free to voice their concerns, introducing regular surveys about safety in the workplace can be a good idea. That can help businesses keep their safety protocols up-to-date.

6.      Reward employees for practicing safety in the workplace

Encouraging employees to follow safety protocols with words may not always be enough. Rewarding them for wearing PPE, spotting a safety hazard, or improving safety in some way can be a viable solution. A simple, small reward, such as an extra cup of coffee or parking space can do wonders when it comes to motivating employees. That way, they are more likely to abide by safety rules and report any new safety hazards, and the existing safety protocol weaknesses they notice.           

Final thoughts

All in all, it’s clear that up-to-date safety measures are put in place to ensure all-around workplace safety. There is a range of steps businesses can take, so that employees’ safety is guaranteed. Apart from introducing the necessary safety protocols, companies should also encourage the workers to partake in maintaining safety at work by educating them on the matter and offering small rewards.

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