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6 Ways to Take Your Advertising Experience to the Next Level

Online Marketing Advertising Branding Strategy Concept

Producing effective advertising campaigns can be struggling nowadays with the vast range of different ways attention can be caught, but then lost by other distractions. Attention can be a fleeting thing, so it is important that you know how to capture the attention of your target audience by delivering persuasive ads – and for this, you need to up your advertising experience. Here are 6 ways to take your advertising experience to the next level:

  1. Social Media as a Tool

Who is not on social media these days? Whether it’s Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok or Twitter, you are bound to reach the masses through these platforms. Boost your advertising experience by utilizing social media and its facilities – Instagram Stories are a way to put your ad out there quickly and easily, but make sure you optimize your ads individually for each platform as they all have distinct ecosystems and can cater to a range of audiences. 

  1. Do Your Research

It is always extremely important to first do research before starting any advertising campaign – whether that is researching competitors and their campaigns, to researching your target audience, to even doing A/B testing to investigate consumer insights, ensure that you have thoroughly researched before heading straight into the ad. By conducting useful and proper research, you are able to plan your marketing campaigns on a pragmatic level, hopefully, be inspired and influenced by any consumer insights you may have discovered if you applied A/B testing during the research and planning stage. 

  1. Focus on Your Addressable Audience

To make the best out of your advertising campaigns, you need to know and understand the specific audience that you are targeting for the ads. Research, as mentioned, and recognize the audience you want to advertise to tailor your advertising campaign specifically for them. If you are particularly focused on addressable TV, partner with organizations like Finecast to help your brand reach its target audience via addressable advertising.

  1. Meaningful Marketing Campaigns

Consumers want to feel a human connection in a world of surplus ads and marketing campaigns. Appeal to consumer emotions and you may have yourself a very successful ad. Your brand’s purpose must be reflected in its advertising – leverage storytelling from real people to enhance not only brand recognition but also brand reputation, to help foster loyal relationships with current and potential customers.

  1. Technology Has Evolved

Consumers are increasingly becoming technology-savvy so it is logical that advertising campaigns should adapt to this as well. Particularly, the implementation of Augmented Reality (AR) in ads can be useful in taking your advertising experience to the next level! Snapchat AR lenses are a great example of this, utilizing AR and social media to produce innovative advertising campaigns.

  1. Advertise Offline

Although digital marketing may be all the rave at the moment, do not forget that advertising campaigns can also be effective offline as well. The online advertising space is undoubtedly becoming more and more crowded, so why not let your brand take a breather and create ads tailored to the offline environment? From billboards to bus stops and more, you can surely get creative when making ads for outdoor advertising!

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