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7 Simple Reasons You Should Use Fewer Business Tools

No matter what type of business you run, odds are that you are using certain Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platforms to get by. Managing sales, digital content, SEO, and other aspects of a modern business requires different tools to be done properly. Likewise, B2B networking, customer management, and engagement analytics are all performed more easily with the right business tools in place.

Based on statistics, there are over 6,800 different SaaS tools available. 73% of businesses are planning to fully rely on them by end of 2021. Instead of overreaching and using too many tools at once, let’s talk about why you should take the opposite approach. Why should you use fewer, more meaningful business tools in your workflow instead of using as many as possible in 2021, given their availability?

  1. Better Cohesion Between Departments

The more tools you have available in your business, the harder it will be for different departments to collaborate meaningfully. On the other hand, fewer tools will lead to better cohesion between marketing, sales, HR, and other departments. This can result in better employee engagement, productivity, quality of the final product, and better business reputation as a whole.

  1. Reduced Operational Costs

Online tools specialized in content writing, customer management or servicing, and other operations cost money. While free tools such as Evernote and Google Docs may come in handy, business-level tools and features are often gated off with premium licensing prices. Whether you pay monthly, yearly, or opt for one-time payment licenses, the more tools you have, the more you will have to pay for them. This can severely damage your income, especially if you operate as a small business.

  1. Less Time Spent Training and Onboarding

Fewer business tools translate to less time spent onboarding each employee and teaching them how to properly use new tools. Use Top Writers Review when you find yourself in need of content writing or editing for employee training purposes, as well as article writing assistance. Rely on a select few tools to maximize productivity and waste as little time as possible.

  1. Gain In-Depth Knowledge of Select Few Tools

Once you allow your employees to use a few business tools for several months, they will slowly start to find features tucked away in menus. The more time they spend using specific tools, the better their understanding of said tools will become. Just imagine what your digital marketing team can achieve by using Canva, Gimp, or Affinity for several months without shifting to other tools. This can result in a much better quality of work done by every employee, not to mention increased client and customer satisfaction.

  1. Lowered Margin for Error in Workflow

As your staff gets used to several business tools, their margin for error in using them will drop over time. This means that employees will make fewer mistakes, lose less time, and be far more productive than before. In terms of content writing and editing, Writing Universe is a worthwhile tool to keep an eye on for writing samples. It’s better to rely on a few business tools in that regard and make the most of them instead of looking for new ones continuously.

  1. Standardize Data Storage and File Types

Moving files between different tools can be tricky if you use too many software applications and online platforms in your business. Using a few business tools can make it far easier to move files around, similar to what Adobe has done in the Creative Cloud Suite. Thus, your staff will have a far easier time expressing their creative intent, service customers more precisely, and waste no time on converting content types.

  1. Focus on Creating and Managing Meaningful Content

Through your business tools, your staff can create marketing content, track engagement metrics, and service stakeholders effectively. This can become very confusing if you have a dozen SaaS tools available in your workflow, not to mention tedious and time-consuming. With fewer tools, however, your staff will focus solely on delivering quality content and services to stakeholders around the globe.

The Argument Against Spreading Yourself Too Thinly

The most important takeaway you should remember from this article is that lots of business tools don’t translate to better business management. Don’t make your employees’ lives difficult by insisting on the latest SaaS tools and learn to rely on a standardized assortment of tools instead. This will manifest in much better employee collaboration and motivation to work more instead of being forced to go through mandatory training modules constantly.

Charlotte Banks

Charlotte Banks is a freelance blogger and an educator. She mostly blogs about education-related topics, including tips for teachers, students, and parents. She’s also one of the writers and an experienced essayist.

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