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7 Ways to Green up Your Hospitality Business

As more and more people become aware of all the ways in which they can help protect the planet, we can expect to see an even bigger rise in eco-friendly and sustainable tourism. In fact, people are willing to pay more for a sustainable and conscious product and are looking for ways to lower their carbon footprint when traveling, going out, and engaging with any type of hospitality business. 

If you are operating in the hospitality industry and would like to green up your operations, here’s what you can do.

Minimize Food Waste 

Restaurants waste 4-10% of the food they purchase. Some of it is left by customers on their plates and some of it goes to waste, but the main issue is that a staggeringly low amount gets recycled or donated. 

Here are some things you can do to start reducing food waste in your hospitality business: 

Rethink Transportation 

Encourage your guests to get around the premises and explore the wider area by bike or on foot. If you have a larger resort and need to transport people between buildings, use a golf cart instead of any other vehicle that requires more fuel. You can even make your golf cart winter-ready, so you don’t have to let the weather prevent you from using this eco-friendly means of transport. 

Eliminate Single-Use Plastic 

Single-use plastic items are a huge waste and massively contribute to the planet’s pollution. Start thinking of ways to eliminate it completely from your business. Plastic water bottles and bags, cups, and cutlery can all be replaced by paper alternatives. 

If you do use plastic, make sure all of it is recycled properly so that you at least limit its negative impact on the environment. 

Go Paperless 

Setting up paperless (or nearly paperless) operations is now easier than ever. You don’t need to ask guests to print out reservations, and you don’t need to print anything yourself. You can go completely digital for the majority of your invoices, bills, reports, etc. 

If there is paper in use, make sure it is recycled. Stop handing out paper flyers and invest more in digital marketing avenues.

Minimize Water Waste 

The first step you can take to reduce the amount of water you use is to ask your guests to reuse their linens and towels. After all, they use them more than once or twice at home; they can do the same when staying with you. 

You can also educate guests about the importance of reducing the amount of water we all spend. Ask them to turn the water off while shaving or brushing their teeth. A lot of people just need a gentle reminder that just because there is infinite hot water available does not mean they need to keep it running for longer than necessary. 

Rethink Your Energy Expenditure 

It will take some time and effort, but you’ll save a massive amount of energy by investing in better-quality appliances, automated systems, and timers. 

The more eco-friendly all of the appliances you use, especially the ones that produce heat, the more you will be able to save in the long run. It will mean you also need to rethink how long a process takes (for example, eco-friendly washers will run longer washing cycles). 

Consider installing timers in the shower, thermostats that automatically adjust heat levels, and sensors that will adjust light bulb strength depending on the weather outside. 

Make Smarter Purchasing Choices 

Go through every single product you purchase, from toilet paper to towels, and start looking for greener alternatives. Simply by investing in products that have been made in a sustainable way, you will be contributing to the preservation of our ecosystem. 

These products are often made to last longer, so you will get more use out of them. Plus, they can also be recycled, so you won’t be contributing to the vast amounts of waste humankind is producing. 

Wrapping Up 

Consider these suggestions for making your business more eco-friendly. Not all of them may be applicable to you specifically. However, you can certainly find a way to tweak and adjust them to your own needs.

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