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9 of The Best Leadership Podcasts To Listen To in 2021


Leadership is two-fold, the leadership you instill on others and self-leadership.  The best way to inspire and develop others starts by developing yourself.  Continued investment in your personal growth will help you become a better leader.  What if you don’t have time to read a library of leadership books?  A great alternative is to listen to podcasts that give you bite-size information while you are on the go.  This post shares some of the best leadership podcasts out there today.

I have a whole selection of podcasts that I listen to on a regular basis.  A lot more that I downloaded but eventually deleted from my subscription list.

Below are some of the best Podcasts to help you with your leadership and personal development journey.  The podcasts below still remain some of my favorites despite all the host of options out there.

9 of The Best Leadership Podcasts for 2021:

The EntreLeadership Podcast hosted by Ken Coleman

The show is based on Dave Ramsey’s EntreLeadership book and community.

Features lively discussions and tips on leadership and business by some of the top minds in the business, like Mark Cuban, Seth Godin, Jim Collins, and Simon Sinek.  They often have bonus materials with great cheat sheets and guides that go well with the topic of the show.

The Tony Robbins Podcast

Not only is Tony Robbins an Entrepreneur, best-selling author, but the Nation’s #1 Life and Business Strategist.  He is probably one of the world’s leading authorities on Leadership and Personal Development.

People spend thousands of dollars for a chance to hear him speak.  This podcast gives listeners a chance to hear his strategies and tactics for free.  In addition to excerpts from his signature events and other exclusive, never-before-released audio content, Tony and his team also conduct interviews with masterminds.

“Why live an ordinary life, when you can live an extraordinary one?”

Tony Robbins

The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes

Lewis’ podcast regularly appears in the Top 50 of all iTunes podcasts and gets downloaded over 1 million times per month.

Episodes range from interviews with game-changers in entrepreneurship, health, athletics, mindset, and relationships, to solo rounds with the host.

What I like about Lewis is that he is incredibly authentic and I believe he truly wants to help people achieve their greatness.

The John Maxwell Leadership Podcast

The John Maxwell Leadership Podcast is a regular examination of what it means to be a transformational leader—someone who daily influences people to think, speak, and act to make a positive difference in their lives and in the lives of others. This podcast will teach you the principles, practices, and process of becoming a transformational leader because leadership isn’t an event—it’s an uphill journey.

For those of you who know or have read his books, you will not be disappointed.  The tools he provides for downloads are great and make the learning journey easy.

Jocko Podcast

Jocko Willink is a decorated retired Navy SEAL officer and author of several books.  Jocko spent 20 years in the U.S. Navy SEAL Teams, starting as an enlisted SEAL and rising through the ranks to become a SEAL officer.  When he returned from Iraq, he served as Officer-in-Charge of training for all West Coast SEAL team.  Not only does he have an abundance of leadership experience, but he is very “real” and easy to connect to.  He also has a great, “Warrior Kid” book series that I used to help my son develop a Warrior mindset.

His podcast covers topics that range from leadership, mindset, determination, and great life skills.

Team Anywhere Leadership Podcast

Leadership strategy continues to need to be shifted as business and market needs shift.  As more and more employees work away from the office, how do leaders stay connected and continue to keep building on that team dynamic?

“What matters is that you learn how to build teams and culture from anywhere in the world.
Welcome to Team Anywhere.  “

The podcast focuses on the 4-Dimensional Leadership Development experience, aiming at a team-centered approach.

Radical Candor Podcast

I am so happy I subscribed to this podcast.  Every episode is the perfect length for my commute and ends with actionable advice at the end.  Hosted by Kim Scott and Jason Rosoff, Radical Candor teaches leaders how to use the Radical Candor Framework to guide their conversations.

One of the most crucial skills every leader needs is the ability to effect change through communication.  Whether through recognition or coaching, the end result should be to encourage employees to do more of what counts in order to achieve the company’s goals.  This podcast will help you do just that.

The Impact Multiplier CEO Podcast

As a CEO, you’ve demonstrated your ability to solve complex problems and achieve extraordinary results. You’ve skills, resources, and experience. But you have the potential for even greater impact and a more satisfying legacy. What will it take to multiply your positive impact – in the business, for your people, and in the world at large? Join Richard Medcalf, Founder of Xquadrant, and high-impact CEOs from some of the world’s most exciting firms – for a perspective-shifting conversation at the intersection of strategy, leadership, and purpose. Welcome to the Impact Multiplier CEO podcast.

Leadership is two-fold, the leadership you instill in others and self-leadership.  The best way to inspire and develop others starts by developing yourself.  Continued investment in your personal growth will help you become a better leader.  What if you don’t have time to read a library of leadership books?  A great alternative is to listen to podcasts that give you bite-size information while you are on the go.  This post shares some of the best leadership podcasts out there today.

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I have a whole selection of podcasts that I listen to on a regular basis.  A lot more that I downloaded but eventually deleted from my subscription list.

The Frame of Mind Coaching™ Podcast with Kim Ades

The format of this podcast is different from the typical Mind Coaching Podcast.  Kim Ades coaches willing participants live and on the spot. Topics covered are Relationships, business, mindset, you name it…nothing is off the table! If you are facing a current challenge and are interested in being a guest on The Frame of Mind Coaching™ Podcast Click the link above.  If you are not interested in being a guest on The Frame of Mind Coaching™ Podcast…you can still get valuable insight. 

They even have a Fridays with Ferne series that covers a variety of interesting topics.  Kim’s daughter Ferne joins Fridays to review a topic and question from one of the listeners. Check it out.

See also Top 5 Tips for Podcasters to Double the Subscribers

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