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8 Time-Saving Tips for Homework

girl doing homework

In today’s fast-paced world, it can be challenging to find the time to complete your school assignments and your regular coursework and extracurricular activities. However, you can save time while doing your homework without sacrificing its quality with these simple tricks and tips. So check out these 8 homework hacks to get it done faster!

1) Make a list of assignments

First, get out a piece of paper and make a list of all your assignments. This is an important step that students often overlook. Many students will just jump right into working on homework without thinking about what they are supposed to be doing. 

Having a list in front of you allows you to easily prioritize which assignments need to be done first and which ones can wait until later to save time. Not only will making a list help you stay organized and keep track of your grades, but it can also be helpful when it comes time to study for exams because you will know precisely what information needs further review. Having everything written down makes it much easier to explain what work has to be done if someone asks. You may also utilize the internet to find homework help.

2) Find a Quiet Place to Work Without Distractions

When you’re trying to finish up a big project or take care of something complicated, there’s no substitute for a place with fewer distractions. If you don’t have an office or designated workspace at home, find an empty room in your house (like the one usually used for storage) and shut the door. 

When shutting out distractions, you really can’t beat a closed door. Also, try listening to white noise through earbuds, which are great not only because they keep you from hearing outside noises but also because they help you focus by drowning out your thoughts—great if all that clutter in your head is threatening to throw off your train of thought.

3) Get Out All the Books and Supplies You Need

Procrastination is your enemy, so you should leave no stone unturned to get everything done quickly. Before sitting down, make sure all your books and supplies are ready to go. If you have a massive assignment with multiple required resources (e.g., a lab or homework packet), collect all of those before starting your actual work. You’ll save time and stress later and prevent silly mistakes like forgetting one of the items you need!

4) Organize your supplies

Getting your homework supplies organized helps you do your homework faster, mainly if you use different materials regularly. Keeping everything together and in one place can save you time and make it easier to keep track of things and know where they are. Here are some ideas: color code items based on type; label containers or storage bags with descriptions; store them in an easily accessible area (don’t keep them stashed in hard-to-reach places), and create an organizational system that works for you. For example, if you have chemistry textbooks, graphing calculators, binders, writing utensils, loose-leaf paper, and more to manage, why not group all those items in one binder?

5) Use advanced learning techniques

Research has shown that learning is most effective in three 90-minute blocks spaced throughout the day. That’s why so many teachers like to assign homework; it’s an excellent way to get students to practice those skills outside of class. But if you have a challenging time reading, try breaking up your studying into smaller chunks. For example, study for 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes at night. It may not feel as efficient as cramming, but it can help you remember more of what you learned!

6) Involve technology in your studying

By incorporating technology into your studying, you can cut down on research, writing, and review hours. Like Carnegie Mellon University’s Open Learning Initiative, an online course database lets you search course materials from accredited universities by topic or instructor. Also, consider reading textbooks and notes through a mobile app like Instapaper or Apple’s iBooks that allows you to make a highlight in digital copies of your books. Use tools like Cramster (for flashcards) or Quizlet (for quizzes) at study time. Also, check out programs like Turning Pointe, which give teachers access to apps for interactive student feedback on homework assignments.

7) Take breaks

Staying focused on homework is challenging, and it’s easy to get burned out. Studies show that students learn more effectively when they take breaks. So, if you can, take a break every so often and come back to your homework fresh. If you need to stay up late to finish an assignment or paper, try working in chunks (instead of straight through). It takes willpower not to sit down at your desk and work until you pass out (or until everyone else does), but spending 30 minutes on your essay may be better than sitting there all night not getting anything done.

8) Organize at school

Every student needs a place to store homework, class notes, and other materials. Here are some ideas for getting organized: Stick Post-It notes on your school locker to quickly see what assignments you have to complete each day. Mark assignments due with a specific color of Post-It, or tape up a paper calendar that shows all upcoming due dates; both visual reminders will help you prioritize your work as it comes in. You could also use a shared Google spreadsheet to keep track of due dates; just make sure whoever else is using it knows not to edit yours by mistake! Keep important papers (like textbooks) on a bookshelf at home, out of sight, and reach in your locker.


It’s no secret that homework can be a real drag! It can be tough to find the time to do your homework between studying for tests, preparing for projects, and trying to squeeze in some leisure time. But by following these 8 time-saving tips, you can make homework a breeze! We have you covered, from finding creative ways to get organized to finding time-saving tips for completing your work quickly! 

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