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Hi, I am Elita Torres.  I have over 20 years’ experience as a Leader, Manager, and Developer of Talent.  Now adding entrepreneur and Author to the list, my experience is a culmination of my time as a General Manager for several Big Box Retailers where I managed an average of 100 employees.  I then decided to take my career in a different direction and became District Manager supervising 23 stores in my district.  From there I gained experience as Sales Director, responsible for 4 Districts and 2 Heads of Merchandising.  I now oversee a Regional Area as District Manager for Gap Inc.


This was me.  The picture quality is not great but as you can see from the background, it was a long time ago.

As a child, I had many ambitions.  I wanted to be a teacher for a long time, then a writer and then a Business person.  Whatever that meant, I didn’t have a clue but I envisioned myself leading a team, wherever that was.   All I knew is that I wanted to “be of value”.

When I think back today at that girl with all those dreams, I cannot help but smile.

Today, I now lead as a District Manager, which puts me into the category of leader and teacher.  With this Blog and release of my book, “Productivity Equation: The Four-Step Process To Accomplishing More Of What’s Important To You,” I can add Author/Writer to the title.

In the process of this journey, there were a lot of bumps and an enormous amount of bruises.  Mistakes that I learned from immediately and mistakes that I made more than once.

With this Blog, I hope to accomplish two things.

First, I hope to leave a legacy for my children.  If this blog can set a positive example for my two sons and inspire them to want to be more and to find true happiness, then I couldn’t ask for more.  Second, my hope with this Blog and my book is to share what I learned with you.  If I can help at least one person, Dream their dreams, Act on their dreams and Inspire others to dream, then I have succeeded.

That is what inspired my by-line, “Dream It, Do It, Inspire”.


This is my personal blog.  I write about taking that journey to Personal Growth, achieving Leadership Success and Inspiring Others to reach their potential.

I have been blessed to have several moments in my life when I have been told that I have made a positive difference in someone’s life. Helping someone to BELIEVE in their abilities and using these abilities to reach their potential is AMAZING.

My goal is to create thought and action provoking content that you can apply to your professional and personal life.

My tips, strategies, and stories are taken from real-life examples that have been applied with success.


In order for this blog to be relevant to you, I commit to the following in the best of my abilities:

Examples of Personal Development Posts


Examples of Leadership Posts

I love Zig Ziglar’s famous quote,

“you can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough people get what they want”. 

The ability to help someone reach their potential is a valued talent and much-needed skill.  I share strategies that have helped me in promoting dozens of employees to the next level.

Spend time on developing yourself, and then share your knowledge with others.  Your best time invested is the time spent investing in your development and the development of others.


I have been married to my husband Carl for over 19 years.  Together, we have two wonderful boys.  I also have 5 brothers and sisters with 10 nephews and 1 niece.  My family is a big source of inspiration in my life and I feel blessed to share this journey with them.

My Contact Information

You can contact me via email or follow me on Twitter or like me on Facebook.


This is my personal blog.  The opinions I express here do not necessarily represent those of my employer.  The information I provide is on an as-is basis.  I make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this blog and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its use.


The owner of this blog can at times be compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites, and various other topics.  Even though the owner of this blog receives compensation for some posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products.  The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers’ own.  Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party in question.

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