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Altering your Small Business’s Structure to Unlock its Potential

Whether you’re seeing slow-growing sales or want to next-level your business, changing the business structure can be key to evolving. But there are also smaller structural changes that can help in unlocking business potential. Both kinds are discussed here. 

The structure

Legal structure 

There are two ways to look at a business structure. The first is in legal terms and the second is in organizational terms. As far as legal structures go, there are essentially three kinds. You can determine the best one for you as an entrepreneur by determining your stage of growth. 

Small changes

If you are not up for changing either the legal or organizational structure, smaller changes can still be made. Here are three of them:

  1. Financial revamp: Good financial management is not just about cutting expenses to grow profits. It’s also about making the process that much smoother. Like with the use of good accounting software or secure checks for both efficient management and peace of mind. A financial revamp can clear up the mind space required for other business aspects. 
  2. Product and service development: The next is to review the products and services on offer. In the dynamic market environments of today, customers always require something new. Providing new products and services that cater to the changing demands can take sales growth to the next level. But these require intent and focus that can get overlooked when meeting the day-to-day demands of the business.
  3. Rework the sales strategy: Similarly, the sales strategy can also need changing over time. If you haven’t tried email marketing, it might be a good idea especially if it’s the go-to for competitors. Or a more active social media presence can do the trick even if you are a local business.

Organizational structure

The next way to restructure your small business is by making organizational changes. Broadly speaking there are two kinds of structures here, hierarchical, and organic. As the names suggest, a hierarchical structure is one with a clearly defined chain of command. On the other hand, an organic structure is flatter. 

There are many options to choose from among these, that fall somewhere on the spectrum. A small business typically has one of the three structures:

Unlock the potential

There are unlimited ways to unlock the potential of your small business. These can be big changes in either the legal or organizational structure or smaller but effective ones. If your business is getting bogged down by slow decision-making, an organizational change could be ideal. Or if your sales have hit a slump, adding new elements to the sales strategy can be good. Whichever way you look at it, initial ideas like these can provide the impetus needed to take your business to the next level.

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