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Benefits Of A Blue-Collar Career

A college student isn’t the norm for everyone. Even if it does lead to employment, this isn’t good for anyone involved in it. Consider a blue-collar job if 40 hours a week at a desk doesn’t appeal to you. More and more students are choosing to forgo a four-year degree in favor of training that will lead to a job that requires them to use both their brains and their muscles. Without a four-year degree, careers in electronics, HVAC, and electrical trades can be rewarding and interesting.

Need for blue-collar workers

As many Baby Boomer blue-collar workers are nearing retirement, there is an urgent need for new workers. The average age for HVAC and electrical technicians is 40 years old. In addition, the current housing boom and the current administration’s proposed infrastructure bill ensure a bright future for the Trades.

Why do workers in blue-collar industries enjoy their work?

About 85 percent and more than 90 percent of blue-collar workers feel good about what they do, according to a new survey. Of those polled, eighty percent said they were convinced that working harder would lead to greater success.


If you’re not interested in spending your days cramped in a cubicle, or if the idea of being on call 24/7 doesn’t appeal to you, then maybe a blue-collar job is right for you. We can help connect you with employers who are recruiting and hiring for blue-collar jobs. The trades are always looking for talented and skilled workers, and with the right training, you could have a rewarding career that doesn’t require four years of college. Are you ready to explore the possibilities?

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