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Benefits of Frequent Employee Surveys [Infographic]

It can be hard to get into the minds of your employees to find out what they’re thinking, feeling, and doing. Sure, you probably have managers schedule regular check-ins with them, but do people really feel comfortable being honest with the person in charge of their career? And even if they do feel comfortable, would they share what companies need to know about engagement or career happiness? Probably not.
    Luckily, there’s a tool that can help you with all of that and get some insights, particularly about engagement: surveys. Ongoing questions to employees can help you figure out what’s going on with engagement; you just need to figure out how often to conduct them, how to structure questions, and what to do with the results. And for employees, surveys can help them feel as if they finally have a place to use their voice to speak out, for positive and negative things. Want to learn more? This graphic can help.

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