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The Benefits of Tapping Therapy

a woman in white tank top sitting on a woven chair while playing a steel tongue drum

Photo by Mikhail Nilov on

Finding strategies to help manage the feelings of overwhelm that can come from busy modern lives is an ongoing task. Poor mental health can lead to poor physical health and alternative therapies are an increasingly popular form of selfcare. Aromatherapy and mindfulness have become well-known methods of reducing stresses and anxieties but, with an increase in people exploring alternatives to western medication, tapping therapy has a growing following. 

So, what is ‘tapping’ and how can it help you?

What is Tapping Therapy?

Tapping therapy (also known as Emotional Freedom Tapping or EFT) is an alternative therapy which was developed in the 1970s by American psychologist Roger Callahan. His knowledge and understanding of the human body and Chinese medicine combined to create the mind-body method we now know as tapping therapy.

How Does Tapping Therapy Work?

Callahan found that by tapping twelve energy meridian points in the body, it is possible to relieve symptoms of stress, depression, PTSD and other mental health issues such as addiction and OCD. Applying pressure to these areas sends signals to the amygdala – the fight or flight section of the brain – which help aid relaxation.

Who Can Use Tapping Therapy?

People of any age can use EFT for anxiety and stress relief, which is part of the wide appeal of the method. Some schools use the principles of tapping therapy as a technique for managing exam stress and it is a popular alternate therapy for businesspeople looking to take control of their emotional and physical wellbeing. Seniors also find it empowering to have a technique they can use to improve their own health. Students, parents, and sportspeople have also benefited from EFT and the inner peace it brings.

What Are the Benefits of Tapping Therapy?

One of the many benefits of tapping is how the technique can be used wherever you are. No equipment is needed; once the skills have been learned, they are with you for life. It is a form of self care that can be practiced as part of a daily routine or during times of high stress. One of the reasons why EFT has become so popular is because it is adaptable – anyone who uses the technique can find what works best for their needs. 

Tapping therapy can also be used in conjunction with medication or other alternative therapy techniques, as well as being an effective method when used in isolation. As people with poor mental health often find it hard to predict when they will struggle with a situation, having a coping strategy such as EFT to use when necessary is a boost.

The Next Step

If you feel that tapping therapy could help you cope with existing mental health issues or the general unpredictability of life, specialists in EFT in London will be able to answer your questions and advise you on how to start your own EFT journey.

You could soon be joining the growing number of people benefiting from the positive impact tapping therapy has had on their life. 

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