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Bulking Out Your Real Estate Properties

You’ve invested in the housing market, and now you’ve got a couple of properties on your hands, and you’re looking to make a good buck off of them via either selling them off once more or renting them out when you’re finished renovating.


But investing in local real estate, and then managing to make at least double your return on any houses or apartments you own are two very different things, and there’s a lot of work to be done before you rake in the millions everyone promised you when you started up.


So now’s your chance to make sure you’re completing the renovations that’ll bring in the big bucks, and that you’re focusing on the oft-forgotten areas within the land you own that will impress buyers on the market more than anything else.


Some buyers will love exposed walls, some won’t; make sure you’re bulking out your property with real value. (Unsplash)


Add Trimmings To the Walls and Floors


This might just be the easiest step you could accomplish, but it’s one that holds a lot of impact for how well your properties are going to do on the market. Every room inside of a property has trim to it, and sometimes the trim is damaged or poorly taken care of, which immediately decreases the value of a room. It makes the entire place look messy, and without a real sense of structural integrity, and that just doesn’t attract the buyers very well.


So you’re going to need to redo this area with care, and make sure you’re using the right materials and methods for the right effect; there’s crown molding, or adding in new baseboards, or putting a touch of wainscoting on the walls, and any one of these could change the aesthetic of your interior in a different way.


Be Sure to Beautify the Garden


The outside of your property matters just as much as the inside, and that means you’re going to have to focus a lot of your time and money on making sure the exterior has as much curb appeal as possible. But aside from the front of the house, you’re going to have to do up the garden as well, making the grass full and green, and the yard swept at the very least.


Of course, you don’t want to go overboard here, as a lot of buyers out there like to design their own outdoor spaces, but you should never leave it unkempt. So be sure to contact a company within the commercial landscape maintenance sector and get some professionals on site to advise you on what to do next. When a house looks complete on the surface, every potential buyer or renter out there is going to want to go a lot deeper.


Adding some new features, and both literal and metaphorical trimmings, to your property, will guarantee a bigger and better retail price once you decide to sell. And they’ll work tenfold for you for making money on the renting market!

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