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Common Reasons People Leave Your Website

Common Reasons People Leave Your Website

The longer a business can keep a user looking through its website’s pages, articles, and products, the more chances they have to make that one important connection that leads to a conversion. If your site doesn’t look and run its best, you can lose that valuable opportunity in one click. Here are some of the most common reasons people leave your website and move on to a competitor instead.

The Page Won’t Load

Often if a page won’t load, visitors first check their own connection. When they find that their internet isn’t the problem, users won’t stick around on a site that doesn’t load fast enough. Large media files and caching issues that throttle site speed aren’t worth it for customers trying to solve an immediate problem or search for the perfect product. Check your site speeds often, and make sure that your website loads quickly on all kinds of devices.

Navigation Isn’t Easy

A website’s accessibility goes beyond providing closed captioning or high-contrast mode options to accommodate user needs. Creating a website that is easy to navigate prevents user frustration as they try to find the answer or product they’re looking for. If your site doesn’t follow standard navigation structure—such as a link back to the home page on every other page, a drop-down menu, or footer links at the bottom—visitors may abandon your site and business out of irritation.

Too Many Pop-Ups

An excessive number of pop-ups right as a user visits your website can be overwhelming, especially if they’re visiting your site to read an article or find an answer. Many of us still associate pop-up messages with spam or computer viruses, so the default reaction to abrupt windows appearing on the screen is to close the tab and move on.

Having more than one pop-up is generally not advisable. A message asking visitors to join an e-mail listing or a chat window offering help are both fine, and limited ad pop-ups that don’t prevent users from engaging content are sometimes tolerable. Be cautious of how many things interrupt a user’s end goal as they use your site.

By addressing the common reasons people leave your website, you can create a more engaging, responsive, and overall stellar experience for users. If your site leaves a great impression, visitors are more likely to return later as well, increasing the chances of a call, request, or sale in the future.

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