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Dream It, Do It, Inspire Blog Roundup:  Leadership and Personal Development Posts Around the Blogosphere


Did you enjoy last week’s Blog Roundup?  Did you do anything differently?  Was there a particular article that inspired you the most?  This week, I share some more posts that I enjoyed throughout the week.  Grab a Coffee or Tea and take the next few minutes to catch up on some great reads.  Let’s hope that these Leadership and Personal Development posts get you to Dream It!  Do It! And Inspire!


5 Things Successful People Do When Things Go Wrong – Attitudes 4 Innovation

Sometimes life will just flat-out open a trap door under you.  It is unexpected and you don’t know what you need to do next.  Do you panic, freeze, or regroup?  Read the 5 things that Successful people do when things go wrong.


The Only One Skill That, If You Have, Will Completely Change Your Life – Growthzer

The author shares his opinion on how important it is to have self-control.  I tend to agree with his point of view immensely.  There are several problems that could be avoided if we had a little more self-control.  I understand that some situations get put in front of you that you have no control over, but in most cases, self-control could change your life completely.  We live in a world with a high demand for instant gratification and people who tend to act on urges instead of with discipline.


Here’s What You Sound Like When You Procrastinate, According to the Always Hilarious Ellen DeGeneres – The Muse

We all have had a bite of the procrastination sandwich.  It’s easier to do than not to do, but it is not something that you intentionally do on purpose.  This article is a fun way to laugh at yourself, which is something we should do once in a while.  Don’t take yourself too seriously and listen to this vintage routine with Ellen DeGeneres on what you probably sound like when you put off work.


Oprah Winfrey Interview Series – Fast Company

What do you get when you manage an interview with Oprah Winfrey?  A whole bunch of great follow-up posts.  Fast Company recently spent a few days learning about Oprah and how she tackles all her projects.  It must have been an amazing experience for them and I am sure they couldn’t help but be inspired.  Luckily, they shared what they learned with us, from her methods for coping with stress to secrets on how she is so productive.

Nobody Is Busier than Oprah, And Here’s Proof

Oprah Winfrey’s Proven Method For Coping With Stress

Secrets From 11 of The Most Productive People From Oprah To Aziz Ansari


Hard Work Guarantees You NothingJonas Ellison

In his article, Jonas quotes, “Hard work guarantees you nothing.  Ever.  So now what?”  He makes a great point about making a mental shift.  Jonas talks about the importance of doing work that fulfills you.


Seth Godin on the Practical Way to Pursue Your Passion (It Does Exist) – Entrepreneur

What’s a better strategy in life: pursuing passion or pursuing financial stability? For the lucky few, these paths are one and the same. Seth shares his philosophy on how you can pursue both and learn to accept and dance with “fear”.


Increase Your Mind Power with These 7 TechniquesPick The Brain

Your mind is an important tool that is crucial to keep sharp.  Is developing your mental powers a concern?  Do you look for ways to improve your thinking, memory, ability to learn, creativity and problem-solving?  There is a lot of research available on how you can increase your brain power.  Do you want some ideas?  Read the article to find out 7 specific techniques.


Have you read a great article lately?  Do you have a tip to share?


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