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The Essentials In 2020 – Taking Care Of 21st Century Customers


What classes as customer service now is entirely different from the 70s and 80s. Back in the day, companies could get away with murder. In fact, they used to make customers feel as if they were doing them a solid instead of the other way around. Nowadays, this strategy will lead you down a dangerous path, one where you go out of business. Things change, especially people. In 2018, the customer service industry has a new face, and you have to take good care of it to survive and succeed.


The best way to do that is to focus on the things which consumers believe to be essential.


Instant Answers


Shoppers don’t have time to waste, not in this culture of instantaneous answers. Businesses that can’t keep up tend to lose customers to their rivals, the ones that can provide them with the relevant information. Because you don’t want to increase your competitors’ market share, you need a plethora of tech. Email responders and phone handlers are retro yet still have a role to play, while an FAQ section can be effective. The new prince is a Chat bot. With AI software, the program answers questions and points customers in the right direction without help, so you get to save money too.


The Supply Chain


Gone are the days when customers would accept any old product. Even if it’s a great one, they won’t purchase anything until they know it correlates with their morals. What does this mean? For the most part, it’s a shout out to the shoppers that take the environment seriously as they don’t want to be a part of the problem. To make sure they’re part of the solution, you should green the supply chain. Recycle materials and donate to eco-friendly charities and causes. Don’t be afraid to promote the fact either to let consumers know you’re doing your bit.


Secure Data


To this day, the majority of users and followers and subscribers don’t understand the business of Big Data. Still, they see enough articles about it to know they should be angry, and they are very mad about the whole thing. Even Facebook has struggled since the revelation it sold info to Cambridge Analytica. So, you need to take heed of the message on which says “stay compliant.” To do this, invest in antivirus software which isn’t free and encrypt your data in case of a breach. Also, ask specialists for advice and hire their services if you are a novice. The impact of the green lock in the URL is amazing.




Consumers want to deal with humans, but there is a catch. According to, they want to do it after they have tried to find the answer. Most fail, yet it doesn’t stop them from searching Google, and, they will use this particular search engine. For customer service reasons, SEO is essential as it brings up your body of work and gives them the potential to do their “research.” How-to posts are very effective in this regard, especially if they include videos.

Buying Local

Consumer demands change all the time and one increasing demand has been the desire to buy local.  According to a recent Nielsen study, buying local had the highest awareness among U.S. consumers, topping the charts at 46 percent.


Have you got what it takes to evolve and adapt?

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