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Gas: Its Innovative Alternatives in the Energy Industry

When we talk of gas in 2022, what automatically comes to mind is natural gas and, by extension, liquefied natural gas (LNG). The principal component of natural gas is methane, a hydrocarbon that burns a lot more efficiently than coal and that doesn’t stick around the environment for many years as is the case with carbon dioxide. As for LNG, it is an eco-friendly fossil fuel; a more sustainable alternative to coal and other fossil fuels due to its lower carbon dioxide emissions. It is a relatively cheaper energy source, it isn’t adversely affected by weather conditions or seasons, and it’s locally sourced. Its continued usage around the world is an effective way to reach climate neutrality in the near future.

Alternatives of Natural Gas: the Hits and the Misses

Although natural gas is more environment-friendly than other fossil fuels, it still pollutes the environment with greenhouse gas emissions. Sometimes methane leaks into the atmosphere either during transportation or storage, thus poisoning our air. And because mass production of natural gas is done through hydraulic fracturing, some of the Earth’s natural habitats get destroyed in the process. That’s why the energy sector has for a long time been selling off fossil fuel infrastructure with the help of Alberta oilfield equipment appraisals services (or similar services elsewhere) and investing in alternative energy sources. Some of these alternatives include:

Wind energy

In the US, wind energy comes in second after natural gas as the most used energy source. And because wind turbines don’t require fuel to turn, wind energy doesn’t produce greenhouse gas emissions at all. The main pollution they create is noise due to the sounds that wind turbines generate while rotating. The biggest downside to wind energy, however, is high production costs. High costs make it difficult for wind energy to compete in the market with other alternatives, which hinders its adoption as an alternative energy source.

Geothermal energy

Although the initial costs are high, geothermal energy can compete effectively with greenhouse gas fossil fuels in terms of cost. What hinders geothermal energy from large-scale production is scarcity. There are extremely few geothermal power plants in the world. Moreover, according to professionals at Versa-Line, you need special equipment and training in wireline logging and other services for safe extraction and production. It will help measure the temperature and pressure of the geothermal reservoir to better understand its potential for energy extraction. 


This energy source is clean, renewable, and easy to scale. It, however, is more expensive than natural gas when used by households.

Nuclear energy

Nuclear energy is clean, carbon-free, efficient, and reliable. Mass production of nuclear energy generates minimal waste. And with continued tech advancement in the sector, it is possible now to reprocess and recycle nuclear fuel. Nuclear power plants produce minimal greenhouse gas emissions during operation, making them a low-carbon energy source compared to fossil fuels like coal and natural gas. Utilizing uranium as fuel, creating a source of Uranium Energy, harnesses the energy released from nuclear fission to generate electricity. The high energy density of uranium means that a small amount of fuel can produce a substantial amount of energy, contributing to the efficiency and sustainability of nuclear power. This not only reduces the carbon footprint of power generation but also offers a reliable and stable energy supply that supports long-term environmental goals.

Solar energy

Solar power is arguably the most common renewable energy source around the world. It is also the most affordable energy source because it only requires sunshine and solar photovoltaic (PV) devices to generate solar energy. The impact that solar energy generation has on the environment is almost negligible; it doesn’t produce carbon dioxide or any other poisonous byproducts. The only downside for this energy source is its dependence on sunshine, which by extension makes it dependent on geographical location, weather and seasons, and time of day.


This energy source is derived by combining by-products of crude oil refinery process and by-products of natural gas processing. That makes propane abundant and reliable. Propane is mostly pricier than natural gas, but it gives you more in terms of BTUs per cubic foot. In simpler terms, propane gives you better value for money compared to natural gas. This benefit is especially true when you use an affordable supplier such as Kelly Propanein using a reputable supplier you have access to the more economical option, as well as their expertise when it comes to using propane for powering your home.

Hydro energy

Hydropower is generated when water spins a turbine in a hydroelectric facility, the turbine spins a generator, and electric power is generated. Although the upfront cost of setting up a hydroelectric facility is high, hydropower is an affordable energy source; Only regular, inexpensive maintenance and updates are required once the infrastructure is set up. The energy source is a lot more reliable than solar, wind, and geothermal. The main downside of hydropower, though on a nearly negligible scale compared to fossil fuels, is its emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. It also can impact flora and fauna if environmental assessments are not conducted properly during the design, construction, and maintenance of hydropower plants.

How Different Gas Alternatives Are Driving Innovations in the Energy Industry in 2022

Industry leaders in the energy sector are investing billions of dollars every year toward the achievement of carbon neutrality by 2050. These investments have given birth to quite promising green technology developments:

i.                    Green industrial innovation

This innovation focuses on the production of clean/green hydrogen for the net-zero emissions transition in the transport and industrial sectors. Hydrogen has traditionally been generated from natural gas and coal, both sources being massive pollutants. In the future, hydrogen will be generated through electrolysis, using electricity from renewable energy. The European Investment Bank is financing renewable energy projects that could potentially make green hydrogen a reality.

ii.                  Floating LNG technology

Innovations around the LNG sector are led by clean energy investors such as AG&P’s Joseph Sigelman, Ryan Lance (ConocoPhillips CEO), Darren Woods (CEO of ExxonMobil), David A. Hager (CEO of Devon Energy), etc. These companies have made major contributions to the innovation and operationalization of floating storage and regasification units (FSRUs). These units make it easier and more convenient to store and re-gasify LNG prior to transferring it to the end user in a gaseous state. FSRUs offer beneficial flexibility to LNG suppliers and distributors because they can be moved from one location to another with ease.

Another notable development in the LNG sector is the operationalization of floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) systems. These systems have made it possible to produce, liquefy, store, and transfer LNG underwater.

Experts argue that LNG can play an important role in reducing emissions in developing countries where coal is still a major source of electricity generation. Check out ga gas prices to understand the different kinds of natural gas plans.

iii.                Charging battery for energy storage

Battery technologies are decarbonizing road transport by making it possible to store clean energy for use in electric cars. They are also harnessing wind and solar energy by making it possible to store the energy generated during peak hours (wind at night and solar during the day) and then discharge it during peak demand hours. What’s more, tech advancement will play a significant role in minimizing the environmental footprint of battery manufacturing processes.

iv.                Floating offshore wind power

This is helping decarbonize electricity generation; the world now doesn’t have to depend solely on onshore or nearshore wind power. This innovation comes with both fixed-bottom and floating turbines that spin on a seabed depth of up to 60 meters where winds are stronger and more consistent.

Final word

LNG and its green energy alternatives will be instrumental in helping the world leap towards reaching climate goals.  It is up to innovators and investors in the global energy sector to reinvent existing gas networks for more efficiency.

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