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Why Grit and Mental Toughness is not just Reserved for Pros #5MinMotivation

Grit and Mental Toughness are two words that have become popular in recent years.  Defined in her book, “Grit”, Angela Duckworth explains that Grit is passion and perseverance for long-term goals.  It isn’t talent.  Grit isn’t luck, or even how intensely, for the moment, you want something.  It is about having a goal you care about so much about, that it organizes and gives meaning to almost everything you do.  It’s about holding on to that goal no matter how many times you fall down.


Throughout my career, I have observed many managers who have achieved continued success over and over.  I have also seen managers rise only to fall hard and never get back up.  The difference between the two was not the number of failures they faced.  The difference was their reaction once they faced a hardship.


Those that continued to grow and develop in their careers when faced with challenges, took a step back and focused on what they could control and continued stepping forward.  Even if that step was small.  Employees that never made it to manager or stagnated once they got there had a similar pattern too.  These managers or employees when faced with challenges blamed every thing else except themselves.


“It was due to the lack of support they received.

How can they succeed with the reduction in traffic they have?

It’s was their team’s fault.

The competition’s aggressive pricing”

And so on and so on


Talent and luck matter to success but are no guarantee of grit.  In the long run, it’s about continuing to move forward no matter how small the step.  It’s about commitment.


“Grit is that ‘extra something’ that separates the most successful people from the rest. It’s the passion, perseverance, and stamina that we must channel in order to stick with our dreams until they become a reality.” – Travis Bradberry

If you have been having difficulty with Grit or with mental toughness, don’t get discouraged.  You are among the many.


Mental toughness is built through small wins.  It is about your habits, not your motivation.  Motivation tends not to be consistent and needs to be nurtured daily.  Habits are unconscious and require less energy to maintain.


Falling down is tough on the morale.  It can get harder to get up every time.  When you fall, don’t focus on the end goal that may seem so far away.  Focus on your next step and only your next step.  Build your momentum from there.


Build those daily habits that allow you to stick to a schedule and overcome challenges and distractions over and over again.


You have it in you even when you doubt.  Everyone fails….Everyone.  Don’t take it so hard when you do.


Choose something of importance to you.

Make a commitment to yourself that you will keep moving forward despite setbacks.

Write down that goal.  There are too many studies on the magic of writing down your goals to at least try it.

Build your road map that will help you accomplish that goal.

What processes will you put in place that will build the right habits?

What back up plans do you have to help you overcome setbacks?

Who can you share your goal with that would make a great accountability partner and help you get through the detours?


Mental Toughness and Grit doesn’t have to be hard.  Just don’t be too hard on yourself.


What will you commit to doing today that you have been putting off?


Our lives can get pretty hectic and it can be easy to get lost in our actions. When we are so focused on what is ahead, we forget to pause, reflect and find ways to energize our minds. These 5-minute motivation posts are meant to give you that recharge. The goal is to give you a 5-minute Vitamin for your mind through quotes, posts and videos. It is also meant to challenge your thinking and inspire you to take action.

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