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Guide to Finding a Mentor

Regardless of how far you are down your career path, you could always use some solid advice.  Whether you’re seeking a new job or trying to become a better leader, it’s important to have relationships with those that have more experience than you.  To maximize your growth, finding a mentor is essential.  

The Advantages of Having a Mentor

When you have a mentor it provides you with an abundance of insight.  They can steer you in the right direction and help you avoid pitfalls that they’ve encountered in the past.  When you’re not feeling confident in your next move, they can provide you with assurance.

While it’s not impossible to grow professionally by yourself, having a mentor by your side helps you reach your goals at a faster pace. 

Here are some additional advantages of having a mentor:

Once you take into consideration the perks of having a mentor, it’s natural that you’d want to start your search.  The only question is: Where do you look?

To help you get started on your journey, we’ve provided the following tips on how to search for a mentor.

Searching for a Mentor

Starting your search for a mentor might be intimidating at first, but once you know where to look, things become a lot easier.  Here are some of the best places to get you started in your pursuit:

Ask Friends and Colleagues

One of the simplest ways to find a mentor is simply to put the word out.  When you’re talking to friends and family, mention the fact that you’re looking for a mentor.  They might have connections that could help.  To take things further, you could even network with people in line at the grocery store or anywhere else.  You never know when the stars are going to align.

Use a Mentorship Website

These days, there are numerous websites designed to match mentors and mentees.  In some cases, it’s as easy as signing up, adding a biography detailing what you’re looking for, and the site or app will do the rest of the work.  You may even want to try multiple websites and meet with multiple mentors.  Don’t settle, you want to find the right fit.  

Use Social Media

One of the best places to start your search is through social media.  Most professionals can be found across socials these days.  Whether you’re searching on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter, all of these networks are worth scouting out.  Make a post announcing what you’re looking for, or direct message past connections.  As long as you don’t give up, social media can provide almost limitless leads.

Locating the right mentor for you can be a time-consuming process, but it’s well worth it in the long run.  While it might be tempting to rush things, be sure to relax and take your time.  You don’t want to burn yourself out.  Remember, consistency is key.

Who knows?  After you achieve your professional goals, you may even want to pass the baton and become a mentor yourself.

For more information on this subject, check out the infographic below put together by

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