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Habit Stacking for Success: Build Your Winning Work Routine Online

Habit stacking is a technique for building new habits by attaching them to existing ones you already do regularly. By pairing a new habit with an established routine, you make the new behavior easier to remember and perform by leveraging the brain’s natural tendency to follow routines. An example is to do 10 pushups after your morning coffee.

What you get is an increased consistency with the existing habit and provides a cue and momentum to initiate the new behavior. Positive reinforcement creates a sense of accomplishment that motivates you to continue.

Begin with small, achievable habits that require minimal effort. Pair it with an existing habit or routine you already have, and see results quickly. Applying this technique to various aspects of business and your personal life is an effective way to build positive behavior and improve activities in your company. Let’s delve into this technique a bit deeper. 

Photo by Vlada Karpovich 

The following enumerates the various areas in which habit stacking can be done, followed by some examples. Note that this is not a comprehensive list, and you may find many more actions you can use to stack good habits.

Habit Stacking for Building a Growth Mindset

Habit Stacking for Communication

Habit Stacking for Customer Service

Habit Stacking for Health and Well-being

Habit Stacking for Innovation and Creativity

Habit Stacking for Marketing

Photo by Startup Stock Photo

Habit Stacking for Project Management

Habit Stacking for Remote Work

Habit Stacking for Sales Performance

Photo by C k

Habit Stacking for Time Management


With the above practical tips, stacking new habits with familiar routines will help you develop more positive traits and new productive habits in no time. These will enhance your personal life and improve company productivity as you grow from strength to strength. So, develop new and great habits and watch your future successes multiply!

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