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How Being Near Water Benefits Our Well-Being

Have you noticed how a person’s mood shifts the second they find themselves near a body of water? Be it a fountain in your backyard, a pond in the park or a grand blue ocean when you go to the beach, spending time by the water instantly creates a Zen-like vibe that makes everything else silent while your mind feels at ease. Precisely that serenity brings a multitude of benefits to your well-being. If you need more balance in your life, here’s how water can help you find your mental and emotional equilibrium.

It’s therapeutic

When you need to feel at ease and put yourself in a meditative state quicker, visit the nearest beach. Namely, the sea is known to have a meditative quality. Whether you’re just watching the waves crash to the Australian shore or there’s not a single wave in sight, and you can smell the sea and feel the breeze while standing on the shore you can fully immerse yourself in the water. Even if the water is merely grazing your feet as you walk down the shore, the therapeutic effect will be inevitable. Spend five minutes by the ocean, or an entire day, the effects will be invaluable to your mind and well-being.

Feel more in tune with nature

Has it been too long since you were able to be in tune with nature? Fishing is one of the best ways to mix spending time by the water and enjoying your favorite outdoor hobby. If you decide to spend an entire day fishing, you can easily book a full day fishing charter in Narooma and sail away to isolate yourself from the hustle and bustle. Feel at ease, reap all the benefits of therapeutic properties that water offers, and bring yourself closer to nature.

Boating promotes relaxation

If you’re not a fan of fishing, but still enjoy time on a boat, you can also experience tremendous benefits from spending time by the water. Just imagine a wind in your hair that softly intertwines with the refreshing aromas of the ocean and the salt in the air. It makes you want to hop on board that second. Sailing will promote relaxation and make you forget all about your worries. The smell of crystalline blue seas makes the mind wander as you unwind and enjoy the outdoors. When your mind needs a break, the water is the place to go.

Balances hormones

How often do you swim? Do you go to the swimming pool or the beach as soon as you feel stressed out, and it helps you feel more balanced? Well, swimming is proven to lower the levels of catecholamines, the hormones that control our ‘fight-or-flight’ response. The moment you experience physical or emotional stress, the body starts producing more catecholamines. Consequently, the blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing rate increase. However, as your body touches the water and you start swimming, your catecholamine levels lower, similarly to what happens when you’re meditating. During swimming, the body also produces endorphins and serotonin, i.e., the happy hormones. Whenever you’re happy, your body heals as the hormones of happiness act as an analgetic. Whenever you need a happy hormone boost, get some adult swimming lessons and then head to a swimming session. The fact that all of your senses are engaged during swimming, yes, even taste sometimes, you will focus more on experiencing the therapeutic effects of water, balancing your body on the surface, and you’ll be able to clear your mind.

Helps create a blue mind

According to some findings, people tend to dwell in the so-called red mind. It’s a place where stress, anger, and anxiety live. However, as you see, smell, or feel a body of water, you will feel the depression and anxiety wash away. Spending too much time in front of the screen and not having time to unwind as often as needed, puts us in a state of red mind. You don’t have to go on vacation to feel the benefits of the sea. Sometimes, all it takes is a relaxing shower or a bubble bath to help you become closer to your inner self and create a more serene ambiance. Listening to the cascading sounds of waterfalls or watching calming videos of the ocean helps create a blue mind as well. How do you feel after listening to the rain? Does it soothe you? Play the sound of rain or ocean waves in the background as you lull yourself to sleep or while working to promote the blue mind state.

Final thoughts

Over 70% of our body is water. It’s no surprise that our body and mind feel more at ease when spending time by the ocean, lake, river, or waterfall. Even listening to the rain promotes relaxation and wards off the stress you’ve been experiencing in the previous months. So, when you feel like you need more Zen in your life, head to the nearest body of water and let the ocean wash all your worries away. 

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