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How Circadian Optics Can Affect Your Productivity: A Complete Guide

Did you know that the type of light you’re exposed to can impact productivity? Circadian Optics is a company that researches a branch of science that deals with the effects of light on biological processes. What are these lamps, and how can they help you? 

It is known that phototherapy has a significant influence on the body. And Heliotherapy Institute researches all light therapy devices and gives reviews and insights about their benefits.

In this complete guide, we’ll answer all your questions about circadian optics and light therapy lamps! We’ll discuss Сircadian Optics, how their devices work, the benefits of using them, and more!

What is the circadian rhythm?

The circadian rhythm is the natural biological process that regulates the daily activities of living things. It is controlled by an internal “biological clock” and responds to environmental cues like light and temperature. Besides, it dramatically impacts many aspects of our health, including sleep, mood, hormone levels, body temperature, and metabolism. Disruptions to the circadian rhythm can lead to several health problems, including insomnia, depression, obesity, and heart disease.

What are Circadian Optics?

Circadian Optics is a company that produces light therapy lamps that can improve productivity. They can help regulate your circadian rhythm, which is your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. These lamps give off bright light that tricks your brain into thinking it’s still daytime even when it’s not. It can help reset your circadian rhythm. 

How can Circadian Optics affect productivity?

There are a few ways in which using circadian lamps can help improve productivity: 

How Circadian Optics lamps impact workplace productivity

There is growing evidence that Circadian Optics lamps can have a positive impact on productivity in the workplace. Office workers who used circadian lighting had significantly higher levels of alertness and energy than those who did not use this type of lighting. We have collected some evidence about this influence.

Mimics natural sunlight

Circadian Optics’ light therapy lamps are designed to mimic natural sunlight closely. It is essential because it means that the light will have the same effect on your circadian rhythm as if you were exposed to sunlight. It is especially beneficial if you live in an area with limited daylight hours. Circadian lamps can also be helpful for people who work night shifts or have irregular work hours. Light can help regulate your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle, improving overall energy and mood. In addition, these lamps enhance focus and concentration.

Improves workplace safety

Circadian Optics lamps are designed to improve workplace safety by providing bright, natural light that can reduce eye strain and fatigue. The lamps also emit very little blue light, linked to circadian disruption and sleep problems. It can reduce the number of errors made by night shift workers in a simulated factory setting. Circadian lighting improves reaction times and vigilance in office settings, reducing accidents and injuries. 

Reduces irritability

If you get irritated quickly, it could be a sign that you’re not getting enough light. Exposure to sunlight helps regulate our mood, and when we don’t get enough, it can lead to feelings of irritability. A Circadian Optics light therapy lamp can help by providing the right light to improve your mood and keep you feeling more even-keeled throughout the day.

Decreases anxiety and stress

When the circadian rhythm is out of balance, it can cause symptoms of anxiety and stress. Light therapy can help to restore it, which can, in turn, reduce these levels. Besides, the lamp’s light helps stimulate the production of serotonin, a feel-good hormone that can improve your mood.

Workers prefer to control their lighting

While circadian lighting can benefit productivity, some workers may feel that they prefer to control their lighting to be more satisfied with their work environment and feel more productive. The goal of circadian lamps is to improve employee productivity by providing optimal lighting conditions for different times of the day. For example, brighter and cooler light during the day can help you stay alert, while dimmer and warmer light in the evening can help you wind down.

Increases alertness 

One of the most common complaints about working from home is that staying focused and motivated is hard. It can be a big problem if you’re trying to be productive, but luckily there’s a solution: Circadian Optics light therapy. It can increase alertness and improve focus, so it’s the perfect way to fight back against those afternoon lulls.

Daylight enhances human performance

Circadian Optics lamps are designed to bring the power of daylight indoors. They provide full-spectrum, bright light that closely simulates natural sunlight. There are several ways in which circadian optics can enhance human performance: 

One more thing is that daylight improves our cognitive function and enhances our mood. 

The lighting design creates an ambiance

Circadian Optics lamp, for example, a soffit detail in an office space can provide even, diffused light that is ideal for computer work. At the same time, cove lighting in a library creates a sense of warmth and intimacy conducive to reading. To understand how different types of light can affect our mood and productivity, it’s helpful for you first to understand the circadian rhythm.


Circadian Optics lamps mimic natural sunlight exposure and support our circadian rhythm. They can impact productivity. This guide covered everything you need to know about the Circadian Optics company and their device. We hope the information was helpful, and now you have a chance to use them and boost your working process. 

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