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How Long Does It Take to Read the Entire Bible?

The question of how long it takes to read the entire Bible is a common one among Christians, but the answer is subjective, based on many variables, including the amount of time spent with the scripture. 

The first question to consider is why reading through the Bible is important. Given the volume and depth of content and the studying involved, it’s a massive undertaking. 

We’ll examine the reasons Bible reading is important from a Christian perspective and then tackle the question of timing for reading the scripture. Let’s learn. 

Why Read the Bible 

As sacred content, the Bible offers Christians a foundation for navigating life’s challenges for ultimate fulfillment and contentment. The text is inspirational, providing wisdom that cultivates faith.

The Bible Structure 

The Bible’s structure can offer insight into the length of time the average person would need to read it. 


There are 66 books in the Bible and each of these are further divided into chapters and verses totaling “1,189 chapters and over 31,000 verses.” 

Old/New Testaments 

The two primary sections are the Old Testament, which includes 39 books covering the times before Jesus, and the New Testament, which includes 27 books. The New Testament focuses on Jesus, his teachings, and his life, along with the Christian church. 

What Influences How Long It Takes to Read the Bible 

The question of how long it takes to read the Bible is subjective. Many variables come into play, making a universal response impossible. Some newly saved Christians may struggle with the language, slowing them down considerably compared to a normal reading speed. 

In that same vein, many reflect on the context, the meaning, and how it applies or to apply it into their lives. What are the factors to consider when trying to discern how long it might take you to read through the entire Bible? Let’s learn. 

Reading speed 

Individual reading speed is a primary factor when determining the length of time, it might take to read through the Bible for the first time. The rule of thumb indicates that people read at roughly 200 WPM—words per minute.  

To try to calculate the speed for reading scripture, you need to use the total number of words and divide that by the average reading speed. That would look like this: 

“773,746 words /200 WPM” with a total of “3,868.73 minutes 

When you divide that by 60 minutes in an hour, the total would equal “64.48 hours.” In approximately 65 hours, the average reader could finish the entire Bible the first time through. 

The assumption is that the individual would not take breaks and read at a continuous pace without stopping to reflect or understand the language. Realistically, everyone would pause for rest and to comprehend what they’ve just read. 

Find guidance on how many days it could take to read straight through the Bible by visiting

Comprehension level 

The complex level of the content will affect the reading speed. Most people new to reading the Bible will take time to adjust to the concepts and language.  

Trying to interpret what the scripture is communicating can mean reading a line or a paragraph a few times, cross-referencing, and referring to another scripture, all of which are time-consuming. 

Tips On Reading the Bible 

As someone new to the Bible, seeking guidance on the best way to approach reading the content is sometimes beneficial, even joining a Bible study group.  

This will guide you through the scriptures, book by book, helping you understand the content as you go. Go here for tips on better Bible reading, and then follow along for further guidance. 

Have realistic expectations 

Decide the amount of time you will realistically be able to commit to reading scripture daily. You want to avoid setting unrealistic expectations for yourself. This can lead to frustration and discouragement. 

Develop a routine 

Set a schedule for reading with a specific place to be comfortable and quietly read and reflect. The habit will become consistent when it’s a relaxed, peaceful, and enjoyable experience. 


Take advantage of resources to assist in understanding what you’re reading. The scripture is complex, but many resources are available to help decipher it. 

Bible study 

Not only can Bible study groups assist with understanding the Bible as you read, but the individuals provide encouragement and support. The members offer insight involving the content you might have never considered, helping to deepen your comprehension. 

Final Thought 

The question of how long it takes to read the Bible is very subjective and has no realistic universal answer. It will differ from one person to the next, depending on many variables.  

You’re not set to a time schedule as you read, reflect, and study. The objective is that you ultimately become familiar with God and His plans.

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