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How to Care For Your Prescription Sports Glasses

Sports glasses are made from polycarbonate materials. These materials are 10 times sturdier and more impact-resistant compared to traditional glass lenses. That’s the reason why they absorb impact better by being a softer material.

Sports glasses lenses are also more lightweight and offer 100 percent UV protection. These glasses are also coated with a scratch-resistant coating to further protect them from damage. But despite having such protective sportswear in the market, lovers of sports don’t care much about using them.

According to the National Eye Institute (NEI), most eye-related injuries in school-going children originate from sporting activities. Yet these are the number one causes of blindness among children in the United States. These risks can be reduced with the use of sports glasses. As the glasses serve you, you also have the responsibility of keeping them in the right condition. 

Caring for Prescription Sports Glasses

When it comes to keeping your sporting glasses clean and scratch-free, it’s better to keep them on your face or in the case. This ensures that you don’t have to replace them so soon.

In cases of football, for instance, expect your glasses to get pretty dirty often. That’s considering that the football season tends to be during the cold and wet seasons. To keep your sports glasses in good condition, read our article. 

  1. Replace Them Often

You probably love your prescription sports glasses. But you will eventually have to replace them. The replacement might be due to scratching or an updated prescription.

Stay on top of your game by replacing the glasses every one or two years. The good thing is that there’s a silver lining to this. If the frames are in good shape, you can just buy new lenses by contacting SportRx. A durable frame from them is the way to go if keeping the frame appeals to you.

It will also be a good idea to have a backup pair of prescription sports glasses. That’s because you never know what will happen on the field while you’re out playing or competing. As such, it’s better to be safe than feel sorry.

You can get one pair for sports training and have another for matches. This is especially important if you do your training during the day and have matches at night. It enables you to wear dark lenses when training and have clear lenses at night.

Last but not least, don’t leave your sporting glasses in direct sunlight for too long. That’s because the heat can affect them. So spare yourself the trouble and find a better place to store them. 

  1. Wiping With a Microfiber Cloth

You must have heard of or worked with a microfiber cloth. But do you know why they are great for lenses? The reason lies in what makes a piece of cloth bad for lenses.

What you don’t want when cleaning ordinary glasses is rough material. This might be because they can scratch the lenses. Linty material will leave behind bits of thread on the glasses. It might also be dirty material that drags rough particles across the lenses, thus causing new scratches.

Any soft lint-free cloth can be used to clean your glasses. Microfiber, however, is the best material that meets all requirements, leaving a smudge-free shine. This is important for your prescription sports glasses. That’s especially because visual clarity is vital for safety when sporting. 

  1. Have a Safe Storage Policy

Where do you keep your sports glasses when you’re done with them? Having a designated place to store your glasses is important. That’s because it will ensure you have an easier time finding them later on. It also simplifies the task of safe storage.

Ideally, sports glasses must be enclosed in a protective case. If you take them off and keep them somewhere, it becomes easier to know where to look when you need them.

If you prefer keeping them in a portable location, note that rattling them around will cause scratches. If you prefer to leave them on a counter, there are protocols for this. If you’re going to set them down without a case, never set them on the lenses. Glasses on a shelf should be set on their backs with the top bar and the flat lines of the earpiece on the surface.

  1. Use Water Optical Cleaner

If your glasses are covered in mud or dirt, give them a quick rinse and wipe the lenses. This ensures that you don’t rub scratches into the lenses. When wiping them, it’s best to use a microfiber cloth and an optical cleaner.

Some people use a T-shirt or towel to wipe their glasses. But these kinds of materials are not good because, over time, they can scratch the lenses. A lot of sports glasses nowadays come in a soft case, one that doubles as a cleaning cloth. So feel free to use it.

To wash the cloth, you can throw it in your towels. Just make sure not to use fabric softener or dryer sheets. You should also avoid cleaners with ammonia in them.

If your sports glasses have an anti-fog coating, avoid using an optical cleaner. You can only use them if your sports glasses are really dirty. Note that dousing the lenses in a lot of water or chemicals can cause the anti-fog coating not to work properly. Remember to pay attention to the strap. Keeping both the frame and lenses clean will make the glasses serve you longer. 

  1. Rinse and Shake the Glass

After applying soap to your lenses, gently rub both sides of the glass and the frames to add a thin coating of liquid to the glasses. The next step should be to rinse them.

Hold the glasses and allow warm water to run over them. This will help to get rid of the soap without applying force. After thorough removal of the liquid soap, lightly shake them to remove the bulk of water droplets. The water might be obvious to a degree. But you shouldn’t shake the glasses too hard as it can damage them. 

Final Take Away

Sporting glasses are an important investment. This applies to all glasses, whether they are prescription or non-prescription. That’s why users must take proper care of these sports items. We hope these tips will help you improve how you care for them.

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