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How to Create Social Media Content That Will Drive Engagement

Any business looking to have more attention to their business thinks they should be making social media content. However, it can take a lot of work to figure out how to create social media content that will drive engagement the most with your audience. Here are some tips if you want a basic idea of how to do that.

Tell a story

There are many ways you can drive engagement when creating social media content, and one of them is simply by telling a story. By harnessing the power of storytelling, businesses can create content that resonates with their audience and drives engagement.

Storytelling has always been an effective way to capture people’s attention and evoke emotion. With the rise of social media, stories have become even more powerful as people are constantly looking for content that grabs their attention and speaks to them.

By using storytelling techniques when creating social media content, businesses can create engaging content that will drive engagement and help them reach their goals. Since you’re telling a story, it helps your audience relate to you more. It humanizes your brand, which helps establish your brand identity as well.

Just ensure your story is related to the brand or your business, especially your audience. Otherwise, there may be no point in the stories that you’re telling.

Post “how to” videos

Creating “how to” videos on your social media account is a great way to drive engagement and reach new audiences. How-to videos are short tutorials that show viewers how to do something, such as fixing a broken appliance or baking a cake.

These videos provide helpful information and can be used to build trust and credibility with your followers. Creating how-to videos allows you to demonstrate your expertise in a particular subject and excitingly engage with your audience.

Additionally, you can use these videos to promote your products or services. For example, if you own software, you can use the how-to videos to showcase how to use your app. It can highlight the benefits and features of your software without being too much of a hard sell.

Also, what’s excellent about how-to videos is that they’re evergreen content. That means the videos will be relevant, so that they will be helpful no matter the time of year. You can then repost it after a lot of time has passed.

Provide relevant content

When it comes to content creation, you should ensure you’re creating content relevant to the people you want to be reading your content.

The right content allows you to connect with them more profoundly, build relationships, and create an emotional connection. Relevant content also helps you stand out from the competition and create a unique identity for your brand.

By providing relevant content, you can ensure that you deliver value to your followers and engage them in meaningful conversations. It will help you build trust with your audience and increase the chances of them becoming loyal customers.

Also, relevant content will help improve your organic reach on social media platforms, encouraging users to engage more with the content they find interesting or valuable.

If you don’t provide relevant content, then you’re spending a lot of your time and effort creating social media content that no one relevant to you is reading. You might still get traffic, but it might be from people who aren’t going to be engaging with your business at all.

Utilize trendy topics

Trendy topics have been gaining traction recently and are usually related to current events or popular culture. These topics help you create content that resonates with your audience and increases engagement on your social media channels.

Not only will this help you stay up-to-date with what’s happening in the world, but it will also help you create more engaging posts that will help you build a more significant following on social media. Again, make sure that they are still relevant to your business. Otherwise, hopping from trend to trend might not be worth it.

Connect with your audience emotionally.

Social media content is essential for businesses to connect with their audiences and drive engagement. But it’s not enough to share facts and figures – you need to go deeper and connect with your audience emotionally.

Connecting with your audience emotionally can create a stronger bond between them and your brand. This type of content will make them more likely to engage with your content, share it, and even become loyal customers. You can create an intimate bond and foster loyalty among your followers through emotional connections.

Your audience will then be able to connect more with your brand since you are more humanized.

Share customer testimonials

If you just got good customer feedback, sharing them on your social media would be worthwhile. They provide an opportunity to share stories and experiences from your customers that can help build trust with potential customers.

Sharing customer testimonials on social media also allows you to showcase the positive impact that your product or service has had on your customers. By doing this, you can create a more personal connection with potential customers and encourage them to take action.

Don’t forget to ask for their permission before you post them on your socials. You can then tag them on the post themselves so that it adds to the interaction between you and your customers.

Run social media contests.

If there’s anything that gets more engagement in your content, it would be offering free stuff. That’s why, whenever possible, consider running social media contests from which your followers can join and get rewarded.

Before you start running this type of contest, though, make sure that you double-check the rules on the social media platform that you have. That way, you aren’t violating the platform’s guidelines when you run these contests.


With these tips, creating social media content that can drive your engagement more should be more accessible. It helps you figure out how to start your social media content strategy correctly to begin posting as soon as possible.

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