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How to Ensure You Hire Expert Lifeguards

lifeguards on beach in back view

Photo by Anderson Martins on

Whether you’re the owner of a private community pool or you’re in charge of overseeing a public beach, hiring the most qualified lifeguards is one of the biggest decisions you’ll likely make for your business, big or small. Ensuring you hire expert lifeguards can mean the difference between life and death, which is why it’s essential to know how to complete the process while only adding the most qualified individuals and professionals to your own roster. When you’re familiar with the lifeguard industry, you can seek top talent regardless of the venue you own or the event you’re managing.

Consider Your Staffing Needs

Anytime it’s your responsibility to hire new expert lifeguards, you’ll want to first consider your staff’s needs. This will also include determining the budget you’re working with and the hiring budget you have available and accessible to you at the time. Create a list of which positions and locations must be filled and which time slots are open.

Use Local and Online Hiring Resources

One of the best perks of the internet is the ability to hire professionals whenever you’re in need. Using both local and online resources is a way to find expert lifeguards who are not only familiar with pools and bodies of lakes near you but also qualified and certified to take on the role. If you prefer hiring new lifeguards via word-of-mouth, you can also do so by speaking with business owners near you and other lifeguard managers to find more information about highly qualified candidates near you.

Offer On-Site Training Programs

Drowning in natural waters accounts for nearly 1/3 of all accidental and/or unintentional drownings, according to the Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services. Offering on-site training programs for lifeguards will not only reduce the incidence of drownings or rescues, but it’s a way to ensure everyone who is working is wholly qualified to do so, even if they’re currently working as a lifeguard for the first time in their lives.

Conduct Drug Testing

It is estimated that approximately 16% of all Americans admit to smoking marijuana, according to a 2022 Gallup poll. If you’re concerned about drug use by those who are working for you, consider conducting ongoing drug testing. Drug testing can be administered at random or on a timely schedule to ensure that any lifeguards working for you are not under the influence of any substance that may impair their vision and/or ability to make sound judgments in a time of need.

Hire During the On-Season

Wet snow is much more dangerous and risky. In fact, it is known that just six inches of wet and saturated snow is typically equivalent to approximately 38 inches of snow in weight, making it much more dangerous and in some cases, even life-threatening. Hiring and training lifeguards during the in-season is a way for them to become more familiar with the summer waters, temperatures, and potential issues to expect once the pool is open to the public. However, if you’re thinking of opening your pool in the winter, you’ll want to work with specialized and highly trained lifeguards to do so in any capacity.

Verify Experience, Training, and Certifications

Always verify the experience, training, certification, and references of any new lifeguard you plan to hire. This is especially crucial if you’re running an official business. Verified, trained, and certified professionals will eliminate risks and liabilities while allowing you to conduct business as usual with minimal risk.

Understanding the importance of a lifeguard’s experience should not be underestimated, regardless of where they will be working and who they will be working for year-round. Whether you’re the owner of a swimming pool or gym, or you’re in charge of hiring lifeguards to protect vulnerable members of your community, it’s imperative to take your role seriously anytime you need to hire expert lifeguards in any capacity.

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