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How to Find and Harness Your Passion During the Pandemic


Amid a global health crisis or not, a lot of people find themselves struggling to find a job, do something they’re passionate about, and look for meaning in their lives. This time of pandemic may not be the best time to “find yourself,” but it certainly is a good start to sit and evaluate your life—what you want to do, what you want to achieve, what you want to become, and what brings you content and happiness.

Take advantage of the time you have to look back at your life and the choices you’ve made along the way and determine how you want to come out of the “new normal”. When you get to know yourself and your inner desires, you also get to figure out what gives you joy and how you can incorporate them into your life. 

Below, we’ve got some ways on how you can rediscover yourself and pursue passions while at home. Let’s get into it. 

  1. Make a list of the things you want to do

This is the easiest part. Grab a pen and paper (or open your Notes app) and list down the hobbies and personal development skills you’ve always had an interest in trying. It could be photography, gardening, leather making, coffee home brewing, learning social media marketing, or becoming a virtual assistant. 

It doesn’t matter if there seem to be impossible things in there and if the list is long—just write it and you’ll narrow it down later.

One way you can determine what you are interested in is if you can read about it for hours on end and browse the internet for days, then you have a few possibilities on your plate. 

  1. Try and explore the things on your list

Jotting down what you want to do and try is easy, but actually trying it is a different conversation. Getting yourself out of your comfort zone and working up the courage to experiment and do new things is terrifying—the process of it all is. However, when you have the opportunity, time, and resources to do it, take it and grab it to learn what you like and what you don’t, and just to enjoy yourself. 

Take online digital marketing classes or seminars for new online experiences and learning to expand your knowledge and use it to advance your career. You can also start taking classes to make leather crafts for yourself or to sell. Have you always loved coffee? Then try learning about different brewing methods and try it out at home. 

Immerse yourself in these newfound interests and hobbies, and soon, you’ll find one that will develop into a passion. 

  1. Figure out what interests you the most

When you’re done trying out and exploring the different interests on your list, you’d probably have an idea which particular hobby or project caught your interest the most and ignited a fire you’ve never felt before, and which you intend to pursue. 

Some naturally and quickly realize what they’re most drawn to. To help you out, here are some questions you can ask yourself to see if a particular interest has developed into a passion:

  1. Give volunteering a try

Some people figure out what they want to do in life early on, while some find their purpose accidentally through self-reflection. Exploring new opportunities and possibilities through volunteering allows you to use and hone your skills in a way that can bring a meaningful difference to a community or the world. 

Working with people who enjoy and are passionate about serving others and doing work that gives you a sense of purpose can inspire you and make you feel like you’re accomplishing something for the better good. 

Note that not all volunteer activities can give you a meaningful experience, for some activities may be more draining than rewarding. But generally, volunteering is an excellent way to gain new experiences, meet new people, improve your well-being, and inspire you in many ways. 

  1. Read about or talk to people about their careers

Do you have a friend, family member, relative, or acquaintance that you look up to? Start a conversation with them about how they chose their career path or pursue their passion, and how they found out that it’s what they wanted to do. You can also ignite a similar conversation with inspirational figures you meet through this journey.

Talking to people who you see are pursuing their purpose and are thriving in the field you’re interested in gives you a glimpse of what they had to do and go through to get where they are now. It can help you form decisions with the information you gather. Moreover, it can give you an idea of what next steps you should take. 

  1. Foster a positive attitude

To determine what hobby or purpose gives the most meaning to you, it helps to cultivate positive attitude and emotions, such as gratitude and wonder. Shift your perspective to see the beauty and meaning in what you’re doing or by simply keeping a gratitude journal to help you assess what you feel when you’re gardening, coffee home brewing, or taking online courses of a subject you’re interested in. 

If you ever find a bump in this journey, don’t take it as a sign to quit. Shift your focus, see it as a learning opportunity, and grow from there. Nurturing a positive mindset during this journey of experimenting and discovering yourself is good for your emotional wellness. It will also give you the energy to keep hitting your purposeful goals. 

  1. Learn more about it

When you finally pin down what you care about the most—your newfound passion—it will motivate you to learn more about it and explore this new world you’re enjoying. This is where you start to research more about the subject to expand your knowledge, and hopefully, grow to become a niche expert. 

This is a time you should welcome and embrace the overwhelming yet exciting interest you’ve formed around a field. When you continue learning about it and practice it, you’ll soon realize that you’ve finally found something that you genuinely enjoy and want to carry on for a long time. Whether you’re pursuing this passion as a hobby, a career, or a business, enjoy the whole process of your growth. 

Look into your inner compass

Having a lot of time to assess your life can bring out many questions about what you plan for your future and where you want to go from here. Pinning down what you’re most passionate about and what gives meaning to your life takes time. 

Don’t compare your growth with others. This process of discovering yourself isn’t always a smooth ride. Remember that your personal and professional development runs in your own time. There’s no need to rush because you’re taking the right steps to the right path. 

It may take you a while to get there, but you will get there nonetheless. So just enjoy the process and reflect on yourself throughout the journey to motivate you to carry out your passion. One last tip: remain patient and never give up on yourself. 

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