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How To Improve a Manufacturing Facility’s Efficiency

How To Improve a Manufacturing Facility’s Efficiency

In the manufacturing industry, efficiency is everything. When demand is high, it’s the responsibility of manufacturing facilities to supply in a timely manner without sacrificing quality. As a result, necessary equipment can undergo a lot of wear and tear, employees can become fatigued, and inadequacies can slow the entire production process. To help prevent this, consider how to improve a manufacturing facility’s efficiency.

Embrace Automation

Automating tedious or monotonous aspects of your facility is an incredible way to improve efficiency. Human workers performing repetitive tasks are more prone to error because of the lack of stimulation. Automating certain areas allows your workers to take on more important roles while the machinery handles smaller tasks in a quicker and more consistent manner.

Optimize Resources

Similarly, you’ll want to identify where inadequacies are causing the process to slow down your production line—especially if machines are experiencing downtime or employees have to wait for further instructions. Your production line is only as efficient as its weakest link, after all. To help you identify issues and areas that could be improved, you could use manufacturing software such as Sage X3, which can be used on factory floors, in warehouses, and in the supply chain, ensuring no stone is left untouched. Furthermore, automation can help improve resource optimization by taking care of monotonous tasks more quickly. This allows you to dedicate more hands to exclusively human aspects of production, such as operating machinery or transporting goods.

Preserve Equipment

Manufacturing can be demanding on the machinery and equipment necessary to complete tasks, so you want to ensure you’re maximizing the lifespan of your equipment. The most basic tasks include verifying your machines and tools are regularly cleaned to prevent corrosion and quickly identifying any problems.

The manufacturing industry also makes heavy use of air compressors to operate their machines and equipment. However, air compressors can corrode and ruin your equipment if moisture gets into the system. Therefore, it’s a good idea to invest in air dryers and other forms of moisture elimination.

Provide Regular Training

To prevent accidents and ensure everyone understands their responsibilities, employee training should occur regularly. This will prevent unqualified employees from operating dangerous equipment or doing something that could damage the production line. Workers that have intimate knowledge and expertise in their craft will always expedite the process, making training one of the best ways to improve a manufacturing facility’s efficiency.

Preserving equipment is key in avoiding downtime in your factory. To learn more on the dangers of downtime in manufacturing, please see the accompanying resource.

Provided by S. Himmelstein & Company – torque transducer