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How to Manage Volunteers for Your Nonprofit

Volunteers are a significant lifeline for every nonprofit organization in the world. Even when they aren’t contributing monetarily, the time and physical efforts spent furthering your nonprofit’s goals can be worth a lot. According to a survey in 2017, about 25.1% of adults in the US volunteered for one profit or another, contributing about 8.8 billion hours. 

Thus, in light of how much value volunteers are capable of bringing, it is only essential that your nonprofit invests in the best resources, strategies, and systems to engage and utilize its volunteers excellently. Proper volunteer management consists of all the various methods nonprofits use in the recruitment, engagement, tracking, and retaining of their volunteers. 

There are several processes used to execute this, but one of the most efficient ways to do so today is through the use of volunteer management software. In today’s world, smart nonprofits use membership management system to organize and engage their volunteers most effectively. Such a system also helps in building and maintaining a membership management database.

With excellent volunteer management software in place, your nonprofit can build a wonderful volunteering experience that is both rich for your volunteers and reward for your organization. Here are some actionable strategies to upgrade your volunteer management practices. 

Strategies for Volunteer Management

Before we discuss strategies for volunteer management, we must first discuss its components, as their understanding is foundational to proper execution. To properly structure your volunteer management system, the entire process must be delineated into 4 distinct parts which are;

Each of these is discussed below:

  1. Volunteer Recruitment:

This is the first stage of the volunteering funnel. The process involves strategically promoting your nonprofit’s cause, attracting volunteers to sign up, and then screening them. It is important to remember that this stage is not about getting as many volunteer sign-ups as you can but rather attracting the right fit for your nonprofit and its goals. 

The right individuals will be passionate about your nonprofit’s particular objectives and will have the specific skills needed to bring them about. Thus, your nonprofit must be intentional about establishing beforehand its preferred or ideal kind of volunteering candidates and go after that.

Strategies for excellent volunteer recruitment include:

  1. Volunteer Engagement

After recruitment, the next stage in volunteer management is engaging your volunteers. Your volunteers must be properly engaged to create value and prevent them from feeling demoralized. Recognition of their talents and skills from the recruitment stage is important as it will guide your decision-making in this stage.

There are many practices that you can effectively utilize to engage your volunteers which include;

  1. Volunteer Tracking

This is an integral part of volunteer management. This stage of volunteer management involves automating communication processes so that you and your nonprofit’s volunteers are constantly updated as to which duties have been served, which programs have been executed, and hours spent working. Keeping a record of hours spent volunteering is very important.

  1. Volunteer Retention

This is one of the most difficult, but very essential parts of volunteer management for every nonprofit. The better they are treated during their service, the greater the chances they will be retained later on. The key to nailing this stage is ensuring that there is impeccable communication, motivation, and feedback.

Some interesting strategies for bringing this about include;

While all of these strategies to help you manage the volunteers for your nonprofit seem straightforward, pulling it off isn’t easy. One integral part of the arsenal of every volunteer manager is membership management software to help them effectively execute and integrate all these strategies.

Why You Need Membership Management Software for Your Nonprofit

Membership management software is a great asset to every nonprofit seeking to manage its volunteers. Depending on the number of volunteers, and the number of different operations and projects to be coordinated, volunteer management can be very complex. Therefore, utilizing volunteer management software can help you to easily organize all of your required data while coordinating your volunteers. 

Getting volunteer management software is essential because it will help you;


The significance of volunteering is increasing in our society but so is the complexity. However, with the right membership software, the multiple responsibilities and strategies involved in running your nonprofit and managing its volunteers can be simplified and effectively integrated.

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