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How to Promote Healthy Work-Life Balance

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Many believe that work should always come first. They work 24/7 and absolutely forget about their personal life, children, hobbies, and, most importantly, health. Unfortunately, this is the reality of the 21st century.

In fact, if we ask freelancers, businessmen, and entrepreneurs about their “home-work balance”, they most likely won’t tell about their daily struggles to achieve that balance. Why? Some don’t want the “perfect life image” to be shattered. 

Striking that balance can be tricky, though it is not impossible. Having a lot of patience is the key to achieving healthy habits and routines that allow you better control of your life and business. Here we will present you several tips that will help you achieve that long-awaited healthy balance between work and personal life.

1. Focus on your strengths

Don’t try to take care of everything yourself. If you are not an expert in graphic design or sales, hire professionals to carry out these tasks. This will give you more time for your own needs and your personal life, in addition to giving you excellent results for your business. Focusing on your own strengths will surely make your life easier. Are you good at marketing? Do it. If not, find help. Nuwber will help you find the specialists you need. It is helpful when it comes to searching for any phone number and/or address. 

2. Get some personal time

One of the problems in today’s world is that when a personal problem arises, we avoid it and overwork. Do not do this. Dedicate time to all aspects of your personal life: family, friends, health, etc. Without a well-cared-for personal life and health, you will not be able to adequately spend time on your tasks. Personal time is especially essential to those who spend a lot of hours around people. Your brain gets tired. Give it a minute to relax and check How to boost acetylcholine naturally. Doing so will allow you to think clearly, and have better concentration and recall. It will help your brain think and work more effectively, making your life easier and less stressful.

3. Make your workspace comfortable

Invest in equipment that does not affect your health: an ergonomic chair, a suitable table, a comfortable keyboard, etc. If you do, you will thank yourself in the future and spend less money on doctors. Even if those things are expensive to you, think about the fact that all your efforts will eventually pay off. Got a comfortable chair? You will never know about scoliosis. 

4. Respect your colleagues

Make sure that the whole team is aware of the workload of each of their colleagues. In unhealthy work teams, it is always one person who carries most of the work on a regular basis and for long periods of time. In healthy teams, responsibilities and tasks are shared equally and according to the abilities of each person. You need to make sure that the workload is balanced and does not pose a threat to anyone’s free time. Analyze annual objectives realistically. You can do this during the annual performance review cycles. Adjust them if necessary.

Distribute work equally through a project management tool like Asana, Trello, or Smartsheet and provide access to your entire team. Encourage informal conversations where you share what each one is working on and progress on projects that need to be celebrated. It will help your co-workers feel less stressed and make the job so much easier.

5. Take advantage of technology

When the pandemic began, we found that working with apps like Zoom or Skype can be very efficient. You can incorporate them into your work and take advantage of them to optimize your time. How? Instead of driving somewhere to meet with a client, use these platforms to have conferences from home. Of course, once the virtual meeting is over, remember to disconnect and turn them off.

6. Make exercising a habit and not an obligation

It is very easy to leave the gym or cancel a yoga class if a client needs you. But if you give exercise the same priority as your job, you will have a healthy body and mind. It will help you be more concentrated and less nervous. To do this, you can try exercising in the morning. Schedule when you can dedicate time to sports and get used to sticking to that plan. With a strong body and a fresh mind, you will complete business tasks faster and more efficiently. 

7. Do what you love the most

Give yourself the time you deserve. If you have a hobby, like fishing for salmon and trout, always find time to do it. No matter how busy you are. This will help you rest and give you the energy to refresh yourself. When you nourish your mind with the things you like to do the most, this will inevitably be reflected in your work. Most workers agree that creativity is essential when it comes to achieving their goals.

8. Be realistic

Self-assessment is very important, especially when it comes to planning. Understand that if you spend too many hours working, the work must be done according to the plan. Being realistic means being precise and knowing what to do. It’s great to stick to a certain schedule that will help you. For instance, if you do one task for many hours, it’s time to ask yourself: Will I have more time to do other things? But don’t be hard on yourself. Give yourself time.

At the end of the day, carry out an analysis of your working day. Ask yourself what went wrong, if everything you did worked, or make proposals to solve the problems. Take advantage of technological resources, your work team, your friends, and your family to get help.

9. Take breaks during the day

It is likely that you do not have time to rest every day. It is also true that some tasks may allow you to rest and others may not, but try to take naps or just sit down to rest from time to time. Just because you are working, doesn’t mean you can’t take breaks.

Take time for breakfast, and enjoy it leisurely. Don’t work while you’re eating. If you spend a lot of time sitting, try to stretch for at least 5 minutes every 2 or 3 hours of continuous work.

These small breaks, believe it or not, will help you to be more productive and think clearer, especially if you are “stuck” with an idea that does not “come out”.

10. Take that well-deserved vacation

Continuous rest can be the most effective way to renew energy. If you cannot take an annual vacation, at least one long weekend will do. This not only helps your body feel better and relieves accumulated tension but also allows you to calm down your mind.

If you don’t have time to travel, you don’t need to go very far to treat yourself to a stay in a decadent hotel.

Wherever you go on vacation, notify your clients in advance and prepare your work team so that they know what to do when you are absent. 

We hope you find these tips beneficial. They will help you maintain a healthy work-life balance. And do not forget that you live to work, not work to live.

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