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How To Sell Yourself As A Writer

At different stages throughout your career, it’s very likely that you are going to want to push yourself. That you’re going to want to grow. That you’re going to want to be able to make sure that you’re pursuing your passion. And yes, this can be scary. And it can mean that you need to make a change. But if you’re able to kill it in your career and find yourself on a path that you absolutely love, then you need to do this.


Now, when you’ve always dreamt of being a writer, it can be easy to feel as if this is going to stay a dream. Maybe you’re in a completely different industry and you cannot see how you’re going to be taken seriously as a writer or how to get started? Well, you can make this happen just as long as you’re focusing on the right things. And yes, this very much includes selling yourself. So let’s take a look at some of the things you can do here to really find yourself as a newbie writer.



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Get Confident


So first of all, you’re going to work on your confidence levels. Because that’s the thing about selling yourself, it’s all about self-belief and confidence. If you’re nervous, you won’t be able to sell yourself well. So you need to do what it takes to be career confident and to believe that you’re a great writer. Work on your self-talk and your mindset. The more confident that you can become here, the better and easier you will find this to be.


Get Online


Now, you need to set up social media profiles for yourself as a writer. Oh, and a website and blog too. And start creating content about who you are, what you’re writing, and start to share your work. Because if you want to get your work out there, putting things online is a simple and not all that scary way of doing it.


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Next up, you should find that networking really help you here. And yes, this means that you’re going to want to network in as many ways that you can. Online, in forums, on social media – yes. But also in real life. Go to writers networking events or retreats. Go to shows and look for pull up banner stands to showcase what you can do. Because when you interact with others, it’s so much easier for you to sell yourself and get your name out there.


Create Your Plan


But above all else, you need to have a plan here. You need to know what you want out of your career as a writer. What is your goal? Do you want to launch a product or write a book or build a successful brand around yourself as an author in a set field? Then set the goal, THEN create an actionable plan. And in this plan, you need to know HOW you’re going to make this happen. Think about how you need to put your name or your work out there and who you need to connect with or get support from in order to make it as a writer.



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