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The Impact Of Technology And The Eye Opening Reality Of Today #5MinMotivation

Every time I take time off with my family, I tend to reflect on how technology has impacted our lives.  It’s when we try to shut off the tech, that we realize just how dependent we have become on it.  The practical twitch one gets when one is faced with one’s own imagination and mind, without technology.


If you ever stood in a long line and instantly went for your phone, you know what I am talking about.


When my family and I go on a trip together, it usually takes a few days for my kids to finally accept letting go of their tablets, Xbox or Playstation.  They go through a withdrawal period where Mom is “the worst” for expecting them to go a few days without games.


It has become a tradition where vacation time is quality family time and when we are together, there are no electronics.


OK, I need to be transparent here.  I am writing about my kids, but truth is, I go through withdrawals as well.  I find myself glancing through my work emails, in case an emergency needs to be dealt with.


FOMO kicks in, and I find myself having to pull all the willpower I can muster just to avoid looking at emails.




When vacation mode sets in, it becomes easier to forget the tech and enjoy the moment.  My children start wanting to share stories and we find ourselves having fun just spending quality time together.


It always surprises me how quickly we return to our regular routine once the holiday is over.  It becomes part of the norm once I am back at work to have the phone beside me at all times, in case I get a call or important email from work.


The following Youtube video from Be Inspired was a great eye-opener as the title promises.  It reminded me that in order to be fully present in every moment, especially with the people most important to me, I need to be intentional about it.


That means being there physically as well as emotionally.  Why wait for a day off or vacation time before making those critical rules?



What role do you allow technology to play in your life?  Do you use it as a tool to drive results, improve productivity, or communicate and connect?  Or, has technology become an addiction that contributes to devaluing the “real life” connections with the people right in front of you?


In this week’s #5MinMotivation series, I challenge you to spend some quality time with yourself or loved ones and become intentionally engaged in the moment.  Practice some eye contact, share a story or take a long walk.


Motivation comes when energy levels are high and great connections and moments help increase your energy.


Try the challenge and share your results.



Our lives can get pretty hectic and it can be easy to get lost in our actions. When we are so focused on what is ahead, we forget to pause, reflect and find ways to energize our minds. These 5-minute motivation posts are meant to give you that recharge. The goal is to give you a 5-minute Vitamin for your mind through quotes, posts and videos. It is also meant to challenge your thinking and inspire you to take action.

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