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Just DOOH it: Why use Digital Out-of-Home Advertising?

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Photo by Mikael Blomkvist on

Out-of-home (OOH) advertising has quickly become the biggest advertising trend and doesn’t seem to be going anywhere any time soon. OOH advertising delivers innovative ways of advertising that customers certainly won’t forget. Here are some of the benefits of digital out-of-home advertising that will explain just why you should make use of it, too. 

The ability to reach customers with multiple touchpoints 

Because there are so many media choices available today, it gives advertisers great scope. We are all exposed from anything to billboards to bus ads to shopping center posters each and every day. Even if we’re only driving to work, we’ll be exposed to street advertising almost immediately. 

Research suggests that the majority of people spend 70% of their waking time outside of the home. If this is true, think of all the hours that advertisers have to potentially influence us! Each activity we take part in outside of our homes presents multiple touchpoints for reaching us on the go. 

The cost of out-of-home advertising 

Another big advantage of out-of-home advertising is that it is so much more affordable than other methods of advertising. This, combined with the fact that it has one of the highest levels of impressions that can be easily combined with other media channels, makes it highly effective. 

Obviously, it depends on the market and the budget of each individual business, but this type of advertising can be effective not only at a local level but also nationally and internationally. 

Helps in building the brand

Digital out-of-home advertising is efficient in helping customers to remember product information with its repeated exposure. The more they see the advertisement, the more impact it will have on them and thus an image of the brand is built with ease. 

Outdoor advertising boosts sales 

It’s likely that anyone who has viewed a product’s advertisement more than once has bought the product. Outdoor advertising works in the same way to influence the interest of customers. As well as this, it also reminds customers of products that are accessible in the market, so in both ways, outdoor digital advertising creates a sort of never-ending purchase invitation that has proven to be effective time and time again. 

Reach target audiences with ease 

It’s important to advertise to customers at the right time – the moment they’re looking for your type of product or service. When advertisers create OOH advertising displays they are able to provide potential customers with key information about the product or service. 

These kinds of advertisements usually include audio and video content that can create an immersive experience for customers and help them find what they’re actually looking for. As such, this is a great way to maximize advertising efforts and increase the number of sales. 

As this article has outlined, making the choice to invest in digital out-of-home advertising can be one of the quickest and most effective ways of growing businesses. Not only are advertisers able to market to specific audiences, but they are also able to advertise to broad groups at the same time. 

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