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Just How Important is a Business Card?

Whether it’s your company image or the reputation you have, it’s critical to remember that all of this needs to be distilled into a brand that is instantly recognizable and communicates who you are through a number of simple words, images, and colors. Your business card is a major distillation of all of these. It’s not just about key contact details these days, and in fact, business cards are an invaluable and irreplaceable aspect of your company. So, what are the reasons that a business card is still so important?

It’s A Quick First Impression

The great thing about having a business card is that you can instantly give one out, but the fact is that if your card doesn’t make a good impression instantly, this will not reap dividends in the long run. You can have an amazing logo and everything laid out perfectly to appeal to the recipient, but if you forgo quality printing services and opt for something that is cheaper but is less quality, this instantly communicates that you don’t care about your business. We’ve got to make an instant first impression and show that we take pride in who we are, which is why the business card is so important for those first initial transactions between someone who will hopefully become your customer.

It’s Easier to Give Contact Details

Rather than the long-winded approach of having to send an email to someone with your contact details when you are trying to get more clients or customers, you’ve got everything in the palm of your hand. A business card is easy enough to put aside in a wallet or a drawer, and this is such a simple thing. While many of us think about digital services to send information to other phones, this only works if the device is compatible. An iPhone and an Android do not necessarily work together, which is where a physical card doesn’t just provide contact details, but it instantly cuts through the noise. Everybody’s relying so much on digital tools to put everything across that you instantly separate yourself from the crowd by giving out a business card.

It’s the Personal Touch

A business card is the culmination of a productive conversation. It is the last piece of the puzzle beyond the handshake and the well-wishing. If you spend time talking with a client and connecting with them, sharing your contact details is just a great way to put that icing on top of the cake and can help to build a relationship with a client. That personal touch is something that is severely lacking in business, and if you are looking for a solution where you are trying to separate yourself from everyone else and are trying to figure out ways to ensure that you are connecting with customers or clients on a more personal level, this is where the business card builds so many bridges.

It’s the Most Visceral Marketing Tool

Marketing covers so many different disciplines. Email marketing, search engine optimization, and everything else is all geared towards metrics and getting a response from someone who has their metaphorical back to you. A business card is something that is done in person. Whether you are running a delivery business or you are casually networking in the middle of an airport or a conference, being able to give somebody your card is an analog approach to marketing that will make a massive impact on your clients, but beyond a marketing tool, it is also a networking tool. Because we are all focused on online marketing and the virtual networking aspects, we need to remember that face-to-face networking is still the most visceral method of building relationships. Your business card plays a significant role in opportunity creation and can increase sales because of that personal touch.

It is the Perfect Opportunity to Experiment With Your Branding

It’s costly to go through your website and make changes to branding and visuals. A business card, on the other hand, is the perfect opportunity for you to be more creative. If something doesn’t necessarily make a good impression, you can go back to the drawing board and invest in more business cards. A well-designed business card from a company like Printthatnow.com provides a window into what your business provides, and this means that using striking visuals is the perfect way to commit a brand to memory. If somebody remembers your visuals or branding, they’re more likely to remember your business.

Small, succinct, and super effective, a business card still goes a long way.

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