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Moms In Leadership: The Importance of Self-Care

Burnout is an ever-present risk for working mothers, especially those in leadership roles. While trying to be there for moments that matter with the kids and striving to make strides and prove ourselves in the workplace, it is all too easy to let self-care fall by the wayside. Ironically, when we put everyone else’s needs ahead of our own, we find ourselves less effective in those areas we thought we were prioritizing. The well-known flight safety reminder to put on our oxygen masks before assisting others is an appropriate reminder that we cannot fill others’ cups if our cups are empty.

The Challenge of Trying to Succeed at Everything

Being a mom and a leader in your chosen career field can mean having to prioritize whether you can effectively prepare for an upcoming board meeting or attend the school play, whether you complete staff performance reviews on time, or whether you attend parent-teacher conferences.

No matter what stage of parenthood you are in, trying to be there for your child while continuing to advance your career can be exhausting. While many organizations now embrace work-life flexibility, it is still challenging to actively separate our work lives from our lives as parents and caregivers. It may sound counterintuitive, but becoming a caregiver to yourself as you work to navigate and create a balance between parenting and your career can be tremendously rewarding.

Incorporating Self-Care Into Your Schedule

If the thought of adding yet another thing to your to-do list is overwhelming, take heart: Self-care does not require an uninterrupted hour of your day. In fact, sometimes, just a few minutes spent doing something you enjoy can recharge you, giving you the energy you need to carry on.

If you’re unsure what type of activity you should choose to unwind, don’t let that indecision add to your stress. Consider whether certain places or things make you happy — then think about how you could create a self-care ritual around those things.

Common self-care activities include:

Start Small for Big Results

Adding self-care to your routine, in any form, can reap big rewards over time. You may need to experiment with different activities to find one that fits your lifestyle and busy schedule best. Ultimately, your self-care ritual should remove stress from your life — not add to it. Slowly incorporate one or more of the above activities (or something else entirely!) into your daily schedule. Over time, you should find yourself better able to care for your loved ones and meet the demands of your career.

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