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New Years Resolutions for Start-Ups

2023 is almost upon us and now is a great time to reflect on the year that has passed. How has your business performed? What are your profits looking like? How’s your team looking? Are you happy with your branding and product lines? Having a good understanding of your performance so far will help you to identify gaps and plan for the year ahead. Here is some new years resolutions for your business in 2023!


As a small business owner, you probably take care of a lot of your business work and processes yourself. This is standard for businesses with smaller budgets and that are still taking their first steps. It allows you to cut operational costs and also have insight into every element of your company’s progression. However, this can only go on for so long. You need to make sure that you hand over tasks before you become overwhelmed. When the workload begins to weigh on you, it’s important to ask the right people for help. Generally, for start-ups, this will be an agency or a freelancer. Both of these options ensure that you can benefit from a specialist’s work without the responsibility of having to employ them. This is important for startups, who may have fluctuating demand and may not be able to provide a team with contracted hours and pay. You can outsource anything from web design to Payroll Outsourcing, so browse services that will benefit your business in particular.

Start Networking

Networking is an essential business practice for a huge number of reasons, but so few people routinely engage with it. To inspire you, here are a few benefits you can enjoy from networking effectively. First, networking can encourage word-of-mouth recommendations. If you talk to people about your work, you’re going to be the first person they think of when they require the product or service you require. They will also likely recommend you to anyone they know who requires the product or service too. Next, you can gain some unofficial mentors through practice. Networking and building relationships with someone who’s been in the field for longer can give you free insight, tips and tricks that will benefit you in the long run. Networking could also help you to find new team members or suppliers. You could meet someone who has the potential to provide you with what you need or who could be your next best recruit. Finally (for now, at least), networking keeps you updated with current events and developments in your industry or field. So, get out there in 2023!

Account As You Go

Accounting is a huge part of business operations. You need to understand where you’re spending as well as what you’re taking in profits. This can help you to better understand your finances and your business’ standing. Many businesses make the mistake of leaving everything until their tax return is due. Instead, use the services of an accountant. This will help you to keep on top of things.

These are some simple resolutions that will prove easy to implement. Hopefully, some of the suggestions will help you to set some appropriate goals and habits for your business!

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