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Productivity Equation: The Four-Step Process To Accomplishing More Of What’s Important To You


Do you wish you got more of what’s really important done instead of just tasks?


Do you feel that you have tried every time-management tool available with no real increase in your productivity?


In, “Productivity Equation”, you will learn a simple, four-step process “to improving your productivity, permanently – not just temporarily.”


Many productivity solutions can offer short-term gains without any long-term efficiency. This can result in a lot of frustration and even overwhelm.


Maintaining consistent productivity doesn’t have to be hard, especially if you have the right formula. This book covers those critical steps needed to help you find your equation.


“Your Productivity Equation” will teach the following:
• Steps to implementing your own productivity equation
• Personal and planning habits to help you build momentum
• Ways to effectively manage your emails
• Tools to help you find the right productivity system
• A list of Productivity Apps you can choose from
• How to build a Productivity Plan


The paperback version is available now, and you can pre-order the Kindle version which launches October 16th.


Click the image to buy on Amazon.




Elita Torres has been successfully leading teams for over 20 years. The book details how she maintained her productivity even when her responsibilities increased by 70%. She blogs about leadership and personal development topics at

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