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Save Time and Money with Patent Drafting Specialists


Patent attorneys and agents at law firms constantly require patent drafting services from specialists with in-depth technical knowledge. Patents are meant to give exclusive rights to inventors for their inventions. Good drafters think far into the future and draft applications that cannot be bypassed by technological advancements and minor tweaks. The main aim of a patent drafting firm is to prevent the inventors from spending large fortunes and their time in patent office rejections. They ensure that the patent is able to sail smoothly through the legal procedure.

Save Labor by Choosing the Specialists

It makes more sense for inventors to get in touch with a professional company with patent drafts service instead of struggling through on their own. Each person is destined to do a job that he or she is best at, and the inventor is always better at creating the invention. Getting it approved through the patenting specialists would always free them from stress and help them focus on their strengths. 

Experience Collaborative Patent Drafting

Collaborative team drafting is responsible for producing perfect drafts every time. This is because drafting is a highly specialized job that brings together patent law experts, licensing/commercialization experts, and patent law experts. With the combined experience they bring together at a reputed drafting agency, it is virtually impossible to go wrong. 

An option to download patent draft samples is given here. Customers can fill their details and receive free samples in their inboxes. 

Legal Requirements for Patent Claims

According to U.S. patent laws, it is necessary for the patent applicant to specifically point out and claim the subject matter for which his or her invention has been created. Every patent is divided into drawings, specifications, and patent claims. While only the claims are meant to define the invention’s exclusive right to the applicant, the rest is for understanding the invention. In other words, claims form the most important part of the application since they define the invention for which the Patent Office needs to give protection.   

In case there has been federal sponsorship in the patent, rights to inventions must be made under federally sponsored R&D. This statement normally contains the federal agency’s name and contract number. 

Outcomes Expected from Patent Drafts

The patent application needs to be written around the invention’s novel feature that states how a balanced and scientific approach was followed. Too broad or too narrow protection would have negative connotations here. The outcomes expected from the drafts are usually as follows:

  1. Competitors must not be able to copy the given inventions without the inventor’s consent
  2. Broadest possible protection for innovative ideas must be available
  3. Monetization of the patented invention should be possible through:
  1. Licensing to another company in exchange for royalty payment
  2. Lack of competition to invention
  3. Selling the complete patent rights to another business

On an average, it takes 5-12 days for the patent attorney to come up with this application. However, specialists in the field may be able to do the job faster, and would also not require reviews. 

2020 Trends in Patent Drafts and Claims

2020 was a difficult year for people due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which still hasn’t gone away yet completely. Despite the above difficulty, many unique ways of practicing and highlighting IP (Intellectual Property) for the US economy were seen. A few of these trends have been described here:    

  1. Patent Cases For Only Five Venues – Most patent cases in the US were limited to only five districts. where more than 62% of the patent cases were filed in the year 2020 
  2. Several Patent Litigations – Approximately 3994 new patent cases were filed in district courts till late December, with the number in the year 2020 being 11% more than the number for 2019. In-person hearings have been far and few in between since March 2020. The patent bench has worked hard during this period and has also developed better tools to remotely file confidential material. 
  3. IPR Petitions were not very successful – Compared to the year 2019, the success rate for IPR petition was low in 2020 as a result of the discretionary denials following the precedential opinions of the Patent Trial and Appeal’s Board about Apple Inc. v. Fintiv Inc.
  4. Intersection Between IP and Antitrust Law – Several litigations and police debates occurred due to the intersection of IP and Antitrust Law. This impact was also seen in other areas of the world like Europe. 
  5. Maximum Patents from Digital and Electronic Fields – This particular patent trend was similar to earlier years. Patents for e-commerce, computer technologies, and communications were the top IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) filings
  6. Patent Eligibility Standards – Many inventors had expected the Supreme Court to step in and address the criteria for patent eligibility and test, but this did not actually materialize. On the contrary, the apex court rejected multiple petitions with respect to the above in the year 2020.
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