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Securing Sales: How To Boost Your Business’s Online Presence

Now that Christmas and New Year have impacted the e-commerce and online sales environment, many businesses will be experiencing significant changes. The festive period is always an extremely busy time for online retail businesses, and product sales, which is great for profits and company turnover. However, January can often see far less traffic to your website, which will mean a drop in sales. However, hopefully, the boost from November and December is enough to tide you over, and you can utilize some quieter moments to focus on how to move forward successfully in 2023.

As an online retailer, or if your business sells services or products online in any way; your presence there is crucial to your current and future success. You’ll need to be reaching your target audience and keep current customers excited and happy while attracting new patrons to your business. Therefore, it’s a great time to turn your focus to your online presence and ensure it gets a boost this year so that it continues to grow and works hard to bring in traffic and sales. The following are some ideas and inspiration for those wanting to secure more sales through strength in their online presence. 

Switch-Up Your Advertising

Investing in advertising is pretty much always a successful way to be seen in the right places, and to encourage customer traffic. However, it might be time to further invest in what your advertising contains.

You could look into 3D product animation for specific items that you want to boost or promote; it’s all about grabbing people’s attention online, so something that moves will always stand out further than stationary and flat marketing materials. You could also reconsider your branding; a refresh will allow you to keep your branding elements for instant recognition, but you could help to ensure that it’s more eye-catching in online advertisements.

Check Your Timings

Make the most of data and analytics so that you can ensure you’re posting, or emailing, at the correct time of day for your target market. It’s so easy to get lost in a heavily saturated online space, especially with social media; therefore, ensuring that you’re in with the best chance possible of being seen, is the only way to tackle things. And, it’s very often the time of day you need to get right, so start there.

Check-out New Platforms

You may have built a following on certain platforms online, and have a growing list of email addresses so that you can reach your current customers. However, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest social media platforms and gain an understanding of how they could work for your business. It might be that you’re ready to attract a whole new audience due to a fresh product line, or just because you feel you’ll appeal to them; now is the time to get set up on those accounts with your business name, before doing research into where to invest your time and efforts.

Being ready to try new things and let go of things that aren’t working well, will ensure that you have a successful year ahead.

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