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Setting The Right Tone – How To Ensure Your Business Impresses From The Outset

In business, you don’t always get a second chance. As an employer, you should never underestimate the importance of impressing from the outset. If you’re keen to lead from the front and ensure you make a positive first impression every time, here are some tips to take on board.



Picture credit https://pixabay.com/en/photos/feedback/


Put yourself in your customer’s shoes

For a moment, imagine you’re not the boss anymore, and think of yourself as a potential customer. What do you look for in a business? What impresses you when you walk into a store, you turn up outside an office for a meeting, or you sit down ready to enjoy a meal in a restaurant? Take a walk in your client’s shoes. How would you feel about your business if you were a customer looking for a product or service? Would you be blown away, or is there definite room for improvement? Take a hair salon as an example. If you show up for an appointment, nobody says hello, offers you a drink or takes your coat, how would you feel? If the floor is covered in hair, or the mirrors or windows are dirty, would you be impressed? If the person washing your hair doesn’t seem to know what they’re doing, would you be likely to book again? It’s crucial to make the right impression the first time around, as competition is fierce out there, and there are rivals waiting to poach your customers.


Make sure your employees are aware of their responsibilities

Your employees are an extension of your brand, and they play an essential role in representing you and your business. To achieve the best results, it’s your duty to ensure that every person is aware of their responsibilities and the standards you expect. From a receptionist to a driver, a salesperson to a server, it’s vital that everyone pulls together to hit shared targets. If customers feel that they haven’t received a warm welcome, they’ve spotted a car or a truck with your name on it driving recklessly on the highway, or their food has been thrown down without so much as a smile, this is going to reflect badly on you. It’s also worth noting the potential repercussions of your employees’ behavior. Truck accidents are one of the most common causes of life-threatening injuries on the road, and social media has the power to turn a story about poor customer service into a viral sensation. Be clear about what you expect from each and every employee, and ensure you have guidelines and policies in place to protect your reputation.


Ask for feedback

No business is perfect, and every employer can learn on the job. Feedback from customers is so precious, and it can really make a difference when it comes to ensuring that your clients are happy with the service they receive. Encourage customers to leave comments, share ideas and write reviews, and make sure you learn both from positive and negative feedback.


Image via https://pixabay.com/en/feedback-satisfaction-customer-3239758/



If you’re keen to dazzle potential customers, it’s essential to set the right tone from the outset. Hopefully, this guide will help to ensure you never need to rely on being given a second chance.

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