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Sorting Algorithms: What, What for, and Why?

For beginners in the world of programming, the topic “Algorithms” is almost always something from the category of “About the sore point”. But don’t be afraid. It is enough to start with the right acquaintance and understand what they are for.

A bit of theory

Algorithm = a step-by-step instruction that complements the code is prescribed to explain the meaning of the latter and the computer’s performance of a certain action. Data sorting algorithms are most often used. The latter helps the computer to properly approach the work with information.

Sorting data is something that will haunt a programmer from the beginning of his studies till… But since it is constantly needed in everyday life, this subcategory of algorithms should be the least feared. 

We often need to sort something according to certain criteria, but programming is not so simple. Dozens of algorithm variants are used for sorting and they are used specifically for certain commands. This is the only thing that beginners can easily get confused about, and more experienced programmers with infrequent use of algorithmic sorting can give the wrong answer at an interview or simply make a mistake with the choice.

The most popular sorting algorithms:

Each of them is ideal for its task: one for processing large arrays, others for studying algorithmic principles, and others for optimizing the number of cycles and other features.

We offer to evaluate 15 algorithms for sorting data. It will take only 6 minutes.

Why can’t you pass an interview without knowing algorithms?

The recruiter or supervisor who conducts the interview almost always gives the task according to the algorithms at the interview. This is necessary to assess the knowledge of the basis. Most often, it has a condition where:

If the answer is incorrect, you may pass the interview, but only if you show that you have a general knowledge of algorithms and there are no questions about other skills.  

Where exactly should the algorithms be applied?

Yes, data sorting is now an automated process in which it is enough even to enter an SQL query with the ORDER BY operator, and with arrays of several elements, apply a function in JS of the sort() type. But these conditions are not always possible. 

When arrays are very large and contain a huge flow of elements, there are problems with data access, it is necessary to save memory or speed up the process of executing a command – there is no competitive alternative to algorithms. 

They are suitable not just for classical queries, but also for assessing the compliance of one component with several conditions at once.


Algorithms are an important tool that allows you to solve various kinds of tasks quickly and correctly. They will not only be able to pass an interview with them, but they have also proven themselves to train in algorithmic thinking and use simpler sorting methods in the right circumstances. The main thing is to understand the principle of their use in different programming languages – and you can work. 

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