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Stay Relevant in Your Industry With These Development Tips

All industries can be challenging places to stay relevant. For instance, there are more tools and techniques than ever before, and the skills you need for your career keep changing. But there are some easy steps you can take to ensure that you don’t get left behind. 

Take Technical Courses and Build Your Skills

Taking technical courses is essential to stay relevant in your industry. The more you know about the current state of technology, the better equipped you can help businesses succeed.

Taking technical courses like oil and gas accounting CPE courses is essential for staying relevant in an evolving field like finance and accounting. Make sure that you’re not falling behind on new opportunities by learning different techniques that’d expand your expertise.

Technical courses are the perfect way to increase your skill-set and gain valuable experience. For example, taking an IT course will teach you how to use spreadsheets or databases and introduce you to digital marketing concepts like web development and SEO strategies.

Network Like a Pro

Networking is a skill that can be difficult to master, but it is essential for professional development. When you meet someone new at a networking event or conference, make sure to exchange business cards with them and follow up via email next week. This will help you stay top of their mind when they are looking for talent like yours.

If your network grows too big, consider joining a relevant industry group on LinkedIn where professionals share advice and support each other as part of virtual communities.  You may also find local groups through

If you’re not already, now is the time to start networking like a pro. You can make better connections and meet more people when they come in for meetings at your office or by attending industry events. Not only does this increase your opportunities for business development, but it also helps you learn from those working on similar projects.

As with anything else, it takes practice before getting good results, so don’t be surprised if some of these options aren’t fruitful right away.

Future-Proof Your Career

You can do this by learning new development skills. If you’re not sure where to start, here are some ideas:

Upskill With Training

Upskilling is essential when preparing to grow your career or venture into a new one. Many training organizations can provide you with workshops and seminars to help you develop new skills. It’s a significant investment as this will allow you to remain relevant in the industry.  

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone and Find a Mentor

Working comfortably in your environment can be a good thing, but being in the same position for too long will make it challenging to learn new skills. So go out and find someone doing what you want to do or who has already done what you hope to accomplish. If that isn’t possible, reach out on social media and ask questions.

Be Willing To Fail

Every project won’t end ideally; the client might not approve something, or the results aren’t as expected. Not every part of development needs to be perfect because nothing ever truly is. Don’t give up after one failure, the only way you improve is through trial and error.

Learn From Others’ Mistakes

As much as you try to avoid mistakes, they are inevitable. Sometimes it’s hard to see other people’s flaws because you think your way is the right one, but sometimes, that could be wrong. There will always be someone out there who has done something similar or had a project go less than great. Ask for their advice and insight on what went wrong so you can learn from their missteps instead of making them yourself.

Don’t Get Stuck in Your Ways

When you first start developing, it might be challenging to let go of your way of doing things. Mainly because you have spent years perfecting the process that works for you, and no one else has any idea how that all comes together behind closed doors. However, there is always someone who knows a better method than what you are using.

Stay Open-Minded About New Technology

It’s easy to get set into your ways when you were taught something specific or learned techniques on your own, but this can make you blind to other possibilities. So it’s crucial to keep an eye out for new tools and take some time to learn them before dismissing them as useless because they don’t fit with your current workflow.


In conclusion, it’s crucial to invest time and money into your career development. It can be an excellent investment as it will allow you to remain relevant in the industry, keep up-to-date on all of the latest technologies and be able to train those around you, so they too succeed.

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