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Summer Maintenance Checklist for Your Small Business

Summer is a time for vacations, barbecues, and relaxation. But it’s also a time when small business owners should take some time to do some necessary maintenance. So if you want your business to run smoothly during the busy summer season, follow this checklist!

1) Check your air conditioner. 

Before the temperatures start to rise, make sure your air conditioner is in good working order. Have a professional inspect it and clean it if necessary. This will help prevent any breakdowns during the hot summer months. Checking your AC unit is one of the essential things on this list. A broken AC can mean lost customers and revenue, so you’ll want to avoid that at all costs!

2) Clean your gutters and downspouts. 

Gutters that are full of leaves and debris can cause all sorts of problems, including water damage to your roof and foundation. So take some time to clean them out before the summer rains start.

Downspouts should also be cleared of any obstructions to drain correctly. Otherwise, you could end up flooding your building. While you’re at it, check your drains and make sure they’re not clogged. If you are in need, be sure to contact a septic company to clean the drains.

3) Inspect your roof. 

Summer storms can damage roofs, so it’s important to make sure yours is in good condition before the bad weather hits. Look for any missing or damaged shingles and have them repaired or replaced as soon as possible.

4) Trim your trees and bushes. 

Trees and shrubs that are overgrown can damage your building, so it’s essential to keep them trimmed. This is especially true if you have any trees that are close to power lines. Storms can easily knock branches into the lines, causing a power outage. You should also remove any dead branches from trees as they could fall and cause injury or damage.

5) Check your outdoor lighting. 

Make sure all of your outdoor lights are in working order. This includes your security lights and any decorative lighting you have. Replacing burned-out bulbs is a quick and easy way to make your business look more inviting and professional.

6) Pressure wash your building. 

A good pressure washing will remove any dirt, grime, and mildew that has built up on your building over the winter. This will not only make it look nicer, but it can also extend the life of your paint job. Just be sure to use a gentle detergent, so you don’t damage any of your surfaces.

7) Clean your windows. 

Dirty windows are not only unattractive, but they can also make your business look uninviting. Take some time to clean both the inside and outside of all your windows. This is also an excellent time to check for any cracks or damage that needs to be repaired.

In conclusion, following this summer maintenance checklist will help your small business run smoothly and avoid any costly repairs. By taking care of these things now, you can relax and enjoy the summer knowing that your business is in good shape.

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