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This Is Where The Biggest Personal Development Happens – An Exercise in Personal Growth

Think back to those moments where you have grown the most as a person.  Where you truly believe some personal development occurred.  Maybe at the time, you didn’t realize it was happening.  One day as you were reflecting on the moment, you realized that you are a better person because of it.

Do you see a common thread?

During a recent cruise, my family and I went on the Norwegian Breakaway.  On the top of the ship, they had a rope course three stories above ground.  I encouraged my ten-year-old to go through the obstacle course, thinking it would be a great exercise in overcoming his fears.

There were beams, ropes, and boards that he had to walk across, all while a strong wind was trying hard to knock him over.  I saw him strain hard during certain obstacles, sometimes with a look of dread on his face.  At the end of the obstacle, there was a look of pure joy.

He looked at me and exclaimed, “I did it.  I overcame my fear.”

Think back again at those moments.  I am sure during all of them, you were out of your comfort zone.  Those were the moments that you were being challenged to dig down deep into yourself and search for the “more” you needed to do or be.

When you exercise, experts say you get the most benefits when your heart rate is at peak level.  According to the American Heart Association, your target heart rate (50-80% of max heart rate) helps you hit “the bullseye”.  This is when your body is getting the maximum impact.

The same is true in life.

Learn to step out of your comfort zone.  The longer you do, the larger your comfort zone will be.

” The danger of venturing into uncharted waters is not nearly as dangerous as staying on shore, waiting for your boat to come in.” – Charles F. Glassman


I am an introvert and was also extremely shy as a teenager, even into my early adulthood.  Two combos that did not help me in a social setting.  When I was 16, I was so shy, I use to take my sister to the hairdresser with me because I wanted her to talk for me.

If I didn’t challenge myself to step out of my comfort zone, I would never have my current career.  I now oversee 13 stores and have given several full-day seminars and meetings.  It was terrifying in the beginning to give those meetings.  Now I look forward to them.

Decide what it is you really want to accomplish. 

Decide what you need to do in order to accomplish it. 

Now decide that you will do whatever you need to in order to see it through.

If you aim for something you really want, don’t let anything stand in your way.  Most of the time, your biggest obstacle can be YOU.

The good news is, that means you are in control.

Step out of your comfort zone and when you succeed celebrate your victory.

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